Changes in 5.8.0 (October 2019, v7472)
Green items are new features.
1. Manual post-install step (required since October 2018):
- Applies to all customers. Please ensure that you have scheduled the License Management concurrent program to run on a daily basis. Failure to do so may result in users getting blocked from accessing the application. Please refer to this article for more information.
- Assignment list blocks can now restrict the maximum results by adding a &pRestrictDRsCount= function parameter
- Visual improvements to the page loader
- Adjusted the libraries used so that the iOS app no longer requests bluetooth permissions
- Ensure that YouTube videos embedded as iframes work in the native app
- Removed the "Disconnect" option in custom apps
- Corrects a problem where quick links where not always showing their color correctly
- Resolved a prototype pollution vulnerability on quilljs
- Fixed a redirect issue that prevented redirecting to the change password page following a login attempt that forces a password change
- Ensure that the header X-Com-ApplaudSolutions-Token is sent correctly when using two-factor authentication
- Fixes an issue where chips were not showing the full text in Internet Explorer
- Fixes a "single row subquery returns more than..." error when opening certain notifications
- People can find others by their "about me" immediately after it's updated
- Corrected the sort order for lists in certain date formats
- Fixes a problem where select single drop-downs were not always getting selected the first time in Internet Explorer
- Resolved an issue that sometimes resulted in duplicate child nodes showing in the org chart when navigating upwards multiple times in quick succession
- The org chart reset button now reverts to the originally selected person
- Ensure that the modal background color shows in all cases
- Corrects a problem in Internet Explorer where the welcome icon was sometimes transparent
- Resolved a date picker issue selecting October, November & December dates in Vietnamese
- Prevents occasional flickering when vertically scrolling on certain screen and page sizes
- Wrapped slider fields underneath the label so that the two don't overlap
- Ensure that an auto-submitted form passes the field id that triggered it
- Fixes an issue where list items with just the text "0" do not display correctly
- HTML fields that contain the text "0" were not showing correctly - these now do
- Prevented ability to bypass time field validation when clicking twice in Internet Explorer
- Fixed an Internet Explorer caching issue where the response was getting cached even though the etag changes
- Corrects an issue where not all list items were shown in secondary tabs for blocks of type 'blocks'
Self Service HR:
- Notifications that have timed out now show as timed out in an approvers list
- OTL timecard entries can now be deleted in bulk directly from the calendar
- Improved handling of successive In or Out time punches
- Punches pending approval are not locked for further update
- Corrects an issue where the start and end time were not always showing in Internet Explorer correctly
- Fixed issues in single sign on when using the native app with an embedded host
- Missed punches page now excludes the logged on user's missed punches
- Corrects an issue with time fields embedded in a list that overlap with the clock icon
- Tweaked the alignment of form fields on the missed punches page
- Text entered into a missed punch reason of "other" is now autosaved correctly
- Corrected input field values for OTL mass time entry
- Auto-refresh the mass time contents when the input field is changed
- Fixes an issue where absences were not showing on the calendar immediately when they auto-approve
- Corrected an issue where entries on the week view were sometimes not showing correctly
- Edited OTL entries are now reflected on the calendar immediately
- Fixes a problem where extending calendar events wasn't working properly
- Ensure that a moved calendar event is reset when the update is later cancelled
- Resolved a problem whereby absence attachments were sometimes getting saved with the wrong primary key
- Resolve "numeric value error" when entering goals using multibyte characters such as Thai
- Improved the error messaging when a goal definition exceeds the maximum byte limit
- Fixes an rendering issue when interacting with the performance 'star' rating component
- Ensures that both the rating and comments are sent when auto-saving to prevent the rating from accidentally being overridden
- Fixes an issue where whitespace wasn't showing correctly in goal comments
- Corrected the hover area on goals listing so that selecting a comment doesn't trigger the primary action of viewing the goal to open in a modal window
- Fix to set professional area and job category correctly
- Prevented two messages from showing when an applicant applies for a job