- Check the Installation checklist.
- Launch the installation
- Steps for application tiers with multiple file systems (conditional)
- Perform post-requisites
There are additional steps to perform if you are installing the Applaud app for the first time into a 12.2.x or above Oracle E-Business Suite platform:
Upgrading from 12.1
If you already have the Applaud app installed and you are upgrading from 12.1 to 12.2, please first follow these upgrade steps.
12.2 has a known performance issue with database Result Cache that impacts the performance of the Applaud application. Please refer to this Oracle note to prevent this issue from arising:
Performance Issue With Application After 12.2.4 Result Cache Upgrade With Database (Doc ID 2256587.1)
If you are already on 12.2 and are installing the Applaud app for the first time, please proceed immediately to Allow Applaud JSPs and servlets.
- Run the adcgnjar utility:
Your DBA must run the adcgnjar utility as described in Section 1.5.3 of MOS article 1577661.1. - Allow Applaud JSPs and servlets:
Release 12.2 added a security feature that works conceptually similar to a URL firewall. Whereas a URL firewall has a whitelist of allowed URLs, this feature gives a whitelist of allowed JSPs and servlets.
Applaud uses both JSPs and servlets for its REST APIs, so the app will not work until this configuration has been performed.
If an Applaud JSP has not been whitelisted, users will receive the following error:
If an Applaud servlet has not been whitelisted (12.2.7+ only), the REST API will not be accessible. You can determine if this is the case by running this URL in your browser (the trailing slash is essential):
If it works, the above will return JSON.
This feature is controlled by two profile options:
Allow Unrestricted JSP Access (FND_SEC_ALLOW_JSP_UNRESTRICTED_ACCESS). In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6+ the default value is No; in other words, Applaud JSPs are blocked by default.
Security: Allowed Resources (FND_SEC_ALLOWED_RESOURCES). In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.7+ the default is Configured (CONFIG), which means only whitelisted JSPs and servlets can be accessed. This overrides the value of the Allow Unrestricted JSP Access profile.
Required configuration in 12.2.7 and above:
Navigate to $FND_TOP/secure and run the following two java commands:
$ java MODE=custom INPUT_FILE=allowed_jsps_APPLAUD.conf DBC=$FND_SECURE/<SID>.dbc
$ java MODE=custom INPUT_FILE=allowed_servlets_applaud.conf DBC=$FND_SECURE/<SID>.dbcallowed_jsps_APPLAUD.conf and allowed_servlets_applaud.conf are copied to $FND_TOP/secure during Applaud patch installation.
Once done, please check that these permissions have been corrected deployed by logging into Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN and navigating to Functional Administrator: Allowed Resources. When successfully added, you will see them listed as per the below:
Required configuration in 12.2.6 only:
First, you need to locate your allowed JSPs configuration file. By default this is $FND_TOP/secure/allowed_jsps.conf. If you wish to validate the location, please check the MASTER_FILE parameter inside $OA_HTML/WEB-INF/web.xml. The MASTER_FILE parameter is included in a section that looks like the below:
<init-param> <param-name>MASTER_FILE</param-name> <param-value>/[absolute path]/allowed_jsps.conf</param-value> </init-param>
Once you have located your allowed JSPs configuration file, please add an additional include line to allow the Applaud JSP configuration file:
# $Header: allowed_jsps.conf ... /OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp /OA_HTML/OALogout.jsp /OA_HTML/OARegion.jsp /OA_HTML/RF.jsp ... include allowed_jsps_FIN.conf include allowed_jsps_HR.conf ... include allowed_jsps_APPLAUD.conf
allowed_jsps_APPLAUD.conf is automatically copied to $FND_TOP/secure during patch installation.
- Synchronize the RUN and PATCH file systems:
To synchronize the Applaud HCM patch files between the RUN and PATCH file systems below are the two approaches:
adop phase=fs_clone
- Add entries for the custom files to the custom synchronization driver file to ensure that the adop utility synchronizes these files between the run and patch file systems the next time you run prepare phase. The custom synchronization driver file is located at $APPL_TOP_NE/ad/custom/adop_sync.drv (%s_ne_base%/EBSapps/appl/ad/custom/adop_sync.drv).
Add the below entries to the section marked by the #Begin Customization and #End Customization comments. Any paths you include in your entries should be specified relative to the s_current_base and s_other_base entries in the context file.
#copy xxas class files to patch file system during prepare rsync -zr %s_current_base%/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/xxas %s_other_base%/EBSapps/comn/java/classes #copy xxas_top to patch file system during prepare rsync -zr %s_current_base%/EBSapps/appl/xxas/1.0.1 %s_other_base%/EBSapps/appl/xxas #copy customall.jar to other file system rsync -zr %s_current_base%/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/customall.jar %s_other_base%/EBSapps/comn/java/classes #Copy OA_HTML/xxas to other file system rsync -zr %s_current_base%/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oacore/html/xxas %s_other_base%/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oacore/html #copy jsp class files to other file system rsync -zr %s_current_base%/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oacore/html/WEB-INF/classes/_pages/_xxas %s_other_base%/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oacore/html/WEB-INF/classes/_pages #copy libraries to oafm WEB-INF rsync -zr %s_current_base%/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oafm/webservices/WEB-INF/lib %s_other_base%/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oafm/webservices/WEB-INF # copy HTML5 data to other file system rsync -zr %s_current_base%/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oacore/html/a %s_other_base%/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oacore/html
Ensure these 12.2+ specific instructions are repeated for all nodes if the nodes use a non-shared file system.
Follow-up tasks