- Check the Installation checklist.
- Launch the installation
- Steps for application tiers with multiple file systems (conditional)
- Perform post-requisites
- 12.2+ specific instructions (R12.2+ users only)
- Enable network connectivity to Applaud Cloud
- Enable Database Result Cache
- Configure Single sign-on (Optional)
A number of places in the app use Google Maps to show geographical maps, such as an employee's work location. A change in Google's terms, implemented on June 22, 2016, means that keyless access to Google Mapping APIs is no longer supported by Google.
All existing Applaud sites using maps prior to this date have been grandfathered, which means that they will continue to work with keyless access. All sites that start using Applaud after this date must use an API key.
Use of an API key is still recommended for sites that have been grandfathered.
Set the API key as follows:
- Visit Google here and select Get a key. Follow the instructions to obtain an API key
- Set the XXAS: Google Maps API Key profile option at Site level to the value of this key
You can re-use the same API key for multiple E-Business Suite instances but only when they're hosted on the same domain.