If you have any issues using Workato, contact your Applaud support representative. If you contact Workato, they will advise you to contact Applaud support. So to save you time, please contact Applaud support.
- On the Admin home page, select Integration.
If you don't see Integration on your Admin home page, check you have the Tenant admin role assigned to you, and if you still don't see it, we might need to do some manual setup for you. Contact Applaud support to raise a ticket so we can do this for you.
- Select the COMMUNITY LIBRARY tab and then the Custom connectors tab.
- Search for "Applaud," and select the connector, and select Install connector.
- In the Tenant URL box, enter your tenant URL, for example, mycompany-applaud.com.
- In the Api key box, enter the API key you created in the prerequisite step.
- Select Connect.