Once an Applaud product has been purchased and activated, ongoing care must be taken to ensure that product usage remains compliant with the license agreements. Breaches must be avoided because they can result in product deactivation, which ultimately means your end-users will be blocked from accessing or using Applaud products.
Examples of license issues are:
- A product is within its 30 day grace period and purchase is pending but no PO has been issued to Applaud
- A product has been purchased but not paid within the defined payment terms
- A subscription license is approaching or has past expiry and has not been renewed
- A subscription license is approaching or has past expiry, has been renewed but not paid within the defined payment terms
- More users are using an Applaud product than the purchased volume
- Attempting to tamper with Applaud license checks
- Deliberately attempting to circumvent license agreements
All of these could result in automatic product deactivation.
In most cases, license compliance can be painless and effort-free by following these simple steps:
- Check you have scheduled the License Management concurrent to run regularly
- Ensure you, or the individuals responsible for license compliance, continue to be assigned the Applaud Administrator responsibility so that important workflow notifications are received
- Regularly check your workflow notifications
- Regularly check the Status and Installed Products section on the General page (Applaud Administrator: Setup: General) for any license warnings
- For subscription licenses, put reminders in your calendar to ensure these are renewed in ample time ahead of expiry. The amount of time varies depending on your procurement cycle; generally between 90-60 days is adequate
- Ensure PO's are issued and Applaud invoices are paid within the defined payment terms
- Optionally use the views to see licensed and unlicensed users
Two database views are provided for you to see details of license usage:
- xxas_licensed_users_v. Shows all users assigned a license for each product.
- xxas_unlicensed_users_v. This shows the users who are unlicensed if usage exceeds the number of purchased licenses.
A user with a SQL connection to your database will be able to select from these views and provide the results.
Users are automatically allocated a license when they access a particular Applaud product and are automatically deallocated when they leave the organization.
If you have licensed a subset of your workers, you may wish to reallocate a license if a user will cease to use the app. For example, if you licensed users in just one country or organization and that user moves to a different country or organization. You can achieve this by using the PL/SQL API xxas_util_pkg.reallocate_user_license to reallocate a license.
The API will only perform the reallocation if:
- The From User Id is currently allocated a license for the given product
- The To User Id is not currently allocated a license for the given product
This is an example of using the API to reallocate a Self Service license (SSH) from OLD_USER to NEW_USER:
l_old_user_id number;
l_new_user_id number;
SELECT usr.user_id
INTO l_old_user_id
FROM fnd_user usr
WHERE usr.user_name = 'OLD_USER';
SELECT usr.user_id
INTO l_new_user_id
FROM fnd_user usr
WHERE usr.user_name = 'NEW_USER';
(p_prod_key => 'SSH'
,p_from_user_id => l_old_user_id
,p_to_user_id => l_new_user_id);
You can see a list of products and their codes in the XXAS_PRODUCTS Lookup Type.
If your subscription licenses are coming to end, please get in touch with Applaud to arrange for these to be renewed. Once Applaud has validated your renewal purchase, you will be issued with a new Activation Code which can be entered as described Activating your product.
Please allow ample time for your internal procurement cycles when organizing a renewal of a subscription license.
Please get in touch with Applaud to purchase additional licenses. Once Applaud has validated your purchase, you will be issued with a new Activation Code which can be entered as described Activating your product.
Please allow ample time for your internal procurement cycles when purchasing additional licenses.