Installing the latest patch performs an automatic upgrade from earlier versions and preserves your configuration. The automatic upgrade converts registered views to pages and creates grants for your Employee role.
Except for upgrading contacts, you don't need to perform additional manual configuration. Although, you should explore the Optional recommendations section.
The automatic upgrade retrieves the Registered Views Menu profile option at the Site level. It creates Pages for every menu and sub-menu, equivalent to running the Create Pages from Registered Views concurrent program.
After installation, if you configure additional views in your Registered Views menu or change the Registered Views Menu profile option, you should re-run the Create Pages from Registered Views concurrent program to create equivalent pages.
Please note these details about this process:
- It will create an FND Message with the name "<Menu Code>_T" for each page, for example, XXAS_EMP_DRS_VIEW_T. The text of this message is the page's title and defaults from the menu prompt. The message text is not updated automatically if you later change the menu prompt after the page's initial creation.
- The layout of a page is defaulted to stacked if it only has one block; it defaults to 2-column if it has more than one block. For more information about page layouts, see our knowledge base article, Pages.
The automatic upgrade also creates grants against your employee role to enable a seamless experience with existing features you have deployed.
The installation procedure attempts to discover the employee role you are using by looking at roles named UMX|%ESS% or UMX|%EMPLOYEE%, and those granted access to any XXAS_% permission set or menu. However, it ignores any roles seeded by Applaud. Instead, it uses the role with the most existing grants as the employee role.
It will then create the following grants against your employee role:
- <Your Employee Role> - Applaud People Search PSET
- <Your Employee Role> - Applaud Block Update about me (Logged-on person)
- <Your Employee Role> - Applaud Block Contact details view (Applaud Person Contacts Full Information Restricted to Logged On Employee)
- <Your Employee Role> - Applaud Block Contact details edit (Applaud Person Contacts Full Information Restricted to Logged On Employee)
- <Your Employee Role> - Applaud Block Anytime feedback add (Applaud HR Assignments All Except Logged On Employee)
- <Your Employee Role> - Applaud Block Anytime feedback edit (Last updated by logged-on user)
These grant names are truncated to the first 80 characters.