Applaud deliver layouts for a variety of legislations. For an up-to-date list, see our knowledge base article, Payslips block. If a seeded template for your legislation is unavailable or you wish to amend the seeded templates, you can use the basic building blocks.
A large degree of configuration is required if you divert away from the standard payslip templates or wish to deploy legislation not currently delivered by Applaud. Therefore, we recommend you adhere strictly to naming conventions to ensure easy export and import of configuration between different instances. See our knowledge base article, Importing and exporting.
Payslip block
This block presents the current and past payslips to the end-user. In addition, the payslip block specifies the Template selection formula.
Template selection formula
This Fast Formula is run for each payslip to determine which template renders a payslip. It's typically based on legislation code. However, you can modify the formula to refer to any employment criteria, such as location or department.
Payslip template
The payslip template consists of several sections. In Oracle terms, each template is an FND Application Menu.
Each template comprises different sections such as Pay Period Summary, Tax Deductions, Pay Period Earnings, Pay Period Deductions, and so on. Each payslip section is an FND Application Function, and the template combines the results of each function to form the complete payslip.
An example payslip template is the menu XXAS_PAYSLIP_US_TEMPLATE, which defines the seeded template for the US legislation.
Payslip section
Each payslip section is an FND Application Function. An example section could be Earnings or Deductions. The function always contains a Data object based on a database view that selects information from the payslip archive tables ready to be displayed in that section. An example payslip section function is XXAS_PAYSLIP_DATA_US_PTD. This is linked to the Object Applaud Payslip DAI, which in turn is linked to the database view PAY_AC_EMP_DEDN_ACTION_INFO_V.
The database views for all payslip sections must contain the ACTION_CONTEXT_ID column; this is used at run-time to restrict data to the particular payslip being displayed.
Payslip section formula
Each payslip section function contains a function parameter with its Payslip section formula, e.g., &pPayslipFormulaName=MY_FORMULA_NAME. This formula accepts inputs from the payslip section's database view and returns a set of outputs presented as rows and fields inside that section. An example payslip section formula is XXAS_PAYSLIP_DATA_US_DAI.
Payslip access control
Once each section has been configured, it needs to be granted. This process nominates which users can see which sections of their payslip, giving you fine-grained access control.
Seeded access control can be seen against the role with the code UMX|XXAS_ESS_PAYSLIP, which contains grants for all seeded payslip templates and sections. The employee role then inherits this role to view their own payslips.
To grant access to a payslip section, you need to create a grant against the following:
- Permission set containing the payslip function defining a particular section
- The Data object linked to that function
- An Instance Set restricting access to the relevant rows from the Data object. In all seeded access control, these instance sets restrict the rows from each section to the logged-on employee so that employees can only view their own payslips.
Payslip BI publisher templates
The app delivers an out-of-the-box BI Publisher template used to present the PDF payslip.
You can change the logos, colors, styling, layout, and more by substituting the seeded template with your own BI Publisher template.