To understand payslip section formulas, please see Payslip section formula.
You define new payslip section formulas using the Write Formulas page in standard Oracle. In most cases, you can copy a seeded formula as a starting point. To view seeded formulas, search for formulas with the name XXAS_PAYSLIP%. An example is shown below:
Formula Type: Applaud Assignment
Description: Applaud Payslip Data Net Pay Distribution
Default for Org_Payment_Method_Name is 'Unknown'
Default for Check_Deposit_Number is 'Unknown'
Default for Value is 0
Inputs are Org_Payment_Method_Name, Check_Deposit_Number, Value
Row_Title = Org_Payment_Method_Name + ' - ' + Check_Deposit_Number
Main_Value = xxas_to_char(Value, CURRENCY_FORMAT_MASK)
Field1_Label = xxas_get_message('XXAS','XXAS_EMP_CHECK_DEPOSIT_NUMBER')
Field1_Value = Check_Deposit_Number
Field2_Label = xxas_get_message('XXAS','XXAS_EMP_AMOUNT')
Field2_Value = xxas_to_char(Value, CURRENCY_FORMAT_MASK)
Return Row_Title, Main_Value
,Field1_Label, Field1_Value
,Field2_Label, Field2_Value
Once you have created your formula, you define it using the pFormulaName= parameter of your Payslip section function.
The inputs to the formula can be any column defined by the payslip data object linked to the payslip section function. The name of the input has to exactly match the name of the column defined against the database table or view.
Row title
Set this if you want to have a title for each row. An example of a seeded formula that uses this technique is XXAS_PAYSLIP_DATA_US_SUMMARY, which is based on the database view PAY_AC_EMP_SUM_ACTION_INFO_V.
The row title is optional but when used you have to ensure your formula returns row labels for each row in the section.
Field labels
For LIST-based layouts, the field label is the label that appears at the top of each column. For FORM-based layouts, the field label is the label against each data field.
You can specify up to 60 fields. For usability purposes, it is recommended to limit the number of fields as far as possible. Try to have no more than 10 fields per section.
Field values
For LIST-based layouts, field values are the values shown in each cell in the table. For FORM-based layouts, the field value is the data shown next to the field label. The field value is usually derived from the values returned from the database table or view attached to the payslip section's data object.
Main value - deprecated
This attribute was used on legacy versions of the mobile app.