To understand payslip sections, please see Payslip section.
To create your own payslip section, start by defining a new Application Function in the standard Oracle Define Function pages. You should create a function with the following properties:
Property | Value |
Function Name | XXX Payslip Section <Description> |
Function Type | JSP |
HTML Call | OA.jsp |
Object Name | <Name of the Data object that populates the section - see further on in this topic> |
Parameters | pFormulaName=XXX_PAY_SEC_<DESCRIPTION>&pIsHeadline=<Y or N>&pLayout=<LIST or FORM>&pOrderBy=<Order by> Please see below for a description of each parameter. |
Set the function parameters as follows:
- pFormulaName: Name of the Fast Formula that formats the display of this section. See Creating a payslip section formula.
- pIsHeadline: Set to Y if the section is a summary section. There should only be one Headline section set per payslip template. Setting this parameter to Y allows the contents of this section to appear more prominently than in others.
- pLayout: Set to LIST if the section's data object may return multiple rows in the section (e.g., Earnings), or FORM if the section's data object will only ever return one row (e.g., Employee Summary). If not specified this defaults to LIST.
- pOrderBy: If the layout is LIST, this ORDER BY clause is appended to the Data object to sort the rows in that section. Ensure you specify an ORDER BY clause that is valid for the database view linked to the Data object. for example, this order is only valid if the database view contains a YTD_AMOUNT and PROCESSING_PRIORITY column: pOrderBy=YTD_AMOUNT_DESC, to_number(PROCESSING_PRIORITY).
You will need to create a Permission Set to house the new payslip section function:
- Navigate to Functional Administrator: Security: Permission Sets
- Create a Permission Set with the name XXX_PAY_SEC_<DESCRIPTION>
- Include the payslip section function created previously into the Permission Set