Use this page to view all the workflow steps' details. You can use this page to troubleshoot your workflow if an action hasn't taken place.
Workflow history No. | This indicates the number of workflow actions listed on the workflow history page. |
SUBSCRIBE TO ERRORS | Opens the Subscribe to errors dialog box. |
Opens the Search box so that you can search your list of users for a specific user. The search filters the list in real-time as you type. To close the box, select CANCEL. | |
Opens the Filters context menu, where you can choose how to sort the list. To close it, select DONE. | |
Workflow step row | Opens the Action history dialog box, so you can view the status of all the actions in the workflow step and select the link that opens the workflow page so you can edit the workflow. |
Workflow step row
The icon indicates if the workflow was processed successfully or if it encountered an error. | |
Completed Canceled Failed |
The overall status of the workflow step. |
Property value | This shows the property value that is at the focus of the step. |
No. actions | Indicates how many actions are in the workflow step. |
No. days/weeks/months ago | Indicates how long ago the workflow action was triggered. |