Google Analytics 4 is replacing Universal Analytics. On 1 July 2024, Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits. If you still rely on Universal Analytics, Google recommends completing your move to Google Analytics 4. See their help article, Make the switch to Google Analytics 4.
Set up your Google Analytics account
See Google's help topic, Get started with Analytics.
Generate a JSON key file in your Google API Console for Google Analytics
To view your Google Analytics data in your platform on the Experience insights page, you must generate a key file in your Google API Console for the Google Analytics API and upload it to the Applaud platform.
- Create a project or use an existing one and enable the Google Analytics Data API:
- Either select the project you want to use or create a new project. See Google's help article, Create a project.
- Search for "Google Analytics Data API" from the library and enable it. See Google's help article, Enable and disable APIs.
- Create the service account key file:
- Under your project, create Credentials for your Service account and the file downloads to your device automatically. See Google's help article, Create a service account key.
- Open the file and copy the client's email address.
Add the client email address in your Google Analytics and add a custom dimension
- Open your Google Analytics and add the client's email address as a user. See the Google help article, Add users.
- Create these new custom dimensions with these details. See the Google help article, Create and edit custom dimensions and metrics:
All event parameters should be lowercase, for example, "page_id."
- Add these custom metrics:
Create an account in Google Tag Manager and import our container
- Open Google Tag Manager and create an account. See Google's help article, Create a new account and container.
- Once you've created an account, copy the Google Tag Manager code from the Body code snippet, for example, "GTM-1234MGT."
- Open the Settings page in your Applaud platform, and under Tracking, in the Google tag manager codes in the Title box, paste the Google Tag Manager code.
- Download the GTM_Configuration.json file attached to the bottom of this article and find your Google tag manager code, and paste it into the file in these two places:
- In Google Tag manager, import our container file, see Google's help topic, Import a container.
- After importing the file, open the Tags tab and select the "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration" tag's name to open the configuration.
- In the Measurement ID box, enter the measurement ID from your Google Analytics account for the property you're using.
- Check whether the configuration tag in all the tags has been updated before publishing. Publish your tags.
It will take some time for your data to show on the Experience Insights page.
- On the Admin home page, select Settings.
- Under the Tracking section, in the Google Analytics Tracking or Measurement ID box, enter your Google Analytics Tracking or Measurement ID. For example, UA-123456789-1 or G-1234567. You can enter multiple codes separated by a comma.
- Applaud collects usage data using Google Analytics codes to help improve product improvements. This includes user navigation activity, such as session duration, pages per session, bounce rate, and information on the traffic's source. No personally identifiable information is sent. If you want to prevent Applaud from collecting this data, select the Do not send Google Analytics tracking data to Applaud.
- If you want to use Google Tag Manager to track a specific event, under the Google tag manager codes section, in the Title box, enter your tag code, for example, GTM-1234TMG.
- If you want to monitor other sites using this tracking code, in the Link to other sites box, enter the site you want to monitor.
- To view your Google Analytics data on the Experience Insights page within the Applaud platform, under the Key file section, select UPLOAD, navigate to the .json file you saved, and upload it.
The key file you upload is renamed "Keyfile.json" automatically, so don't be alarmed when you select update and the name changes.
- In your Google Analytics, find the property's details and copy the PROPERTY ID and paste the number in the Property id box in your Applaud platform.
- Select UPDATE.