- On the workflow chart, select the plus (+) icon.
- In the Workflow action dialog box, select Create Task.
- From the Assign to list, select who you want to assign the task to.
- In the Title and Notes boxes, type in the title and body of your notification message. You can use the expression builder to add dynamic content. For example, to add a field, type "@" and select a property from the list. To add a function, type "#" and select one from the list. See our knowledge base article on the expression builder.
- Under the Impact on workflow section, choose how you want the task to affect the workflow process.
- If you don't want the workflow to proceed until the task is marked as complete, choose Blocking.
- If you choose Non-blocking, the workflow can continue regardless of the task status.
- Run this workflow when the task is completed: This is a list of the workflows that you can choose to trigger once the task has been completed by the user. The workflow must be an active workflow to appear in this list.
- Under the Task actions section:
- If you want to prevent the user from marking the task as complete manually, select the Remove primary 'Mark as complete' action option. If you select this, you must use either the workflow or the APIs to mark this task as completed after an event happens. For example, if the task requires the assignee to fill out a particular form, you might have a workflow trigger when the user completes the form to mark the task as complete automatically. To do this, you look up the Task ID and use a Set Property action to mark it as completed. Consider storing this task id somewhere so you can easily retrieve it later.
If you select to remove the primary action, under the Primary action section that appears after selecting this option, you can choose to replace the primary action.
- To make it so that when the user selects the task, the task detail dialog box opens when they select the task, select the Link to task details modal page option.
- To make it so that when the user selects the task, another page in your Applaud tenant opens instead, select the Link to another page option.
- From the Link to page list, choose from the list of pages in your Applaud tenant you want to open.
- From the Page instance Id list, choose the ID you want to use to load the property data on the page.
- If you want to add a context menu to your task so that your user can perform additional actions, select the Include secondary actions option. For each task action:
- In the Title box, type in the text you want to appear on the button.
- From the Type of action list, select the action you want:
You can enter a page instance property that contains the page's object ID for the Open page option. The field is required or not, depending on whether
- To add a link that opens a page from your Applaud tenant in the same browser tab, select the Open page - regular option.
- To select a page from your Applaud tenant and open it in a dialog box, select the Open page - modal option.
- To enter the website address of an external site and open it in the same browser tab, select the URL - same tab option.
- To enter the website address of an external site and open it in a new browser tab, select the URL - new tab option.
You can enter either a static URL or a dynamic URL property available in the workflow.
- Depending on the Type of action you selected, from the Target list, select a page from your Applaud tenant, or in the box, type in the website URL address.
- From the Icon list, select the icon you want to represent your action.
- From the Color picker, select the color you want your action label to be.
- From the Weight list, select if you want your action to appear "Normal" or "Light."
- If there's no action to be taken and you want to hide the Reassign button, you can select the Disable reassign option.
Left: Without the Disable reassign option selected. Right: With the Disable reassign option selected.
- If you want your users to be able to filter by task type, under the Task type section:
You can view and manage all your task types by selecting the Manage existing task types here.
- When you select the Choose an existing task type option from the Task type list, select the type you want.
- If you don't see an existing suitable task type, select the Create a new task type option.
- In the Title box, type in a suitable label for your task type.
- The Internal name of new type box updates to what you typed in the Title box, but you can amend this.
- From the Icon of new type list, select the icon you want to represent your task type.
- If you want to prevent the user from marking the task as complete manually, select the Remove primary 'Mark as complete' action option. If you select this, you must use either the workflow or the APIs to mark this task as completed after an event happens. For example, if the task requires the assignee to fill out a particular form, you might have a workflow trigger when the user completes the form to mark the task as complete automatically. To do this, you look up the Task ID and use a Set Property action to mark it as completed. Consider storing this task id somewhere so you can easily retrieve it later.
- Under the Due date and reminder section, if you want to add a date when the task is due, select the Due date option.
- If you want the task to be due now, under the Due section, select the Immediately option.
- If you want to set when the task is due, select the A set number of days after creation option.
- In the Days from task creation box, type in the number of days you want.
- You can also set a specific time. In the At time box, type in when you want the task to be due.
- If you want to remind the user of when the task is due, select the Set reminder option.
- From the Reminder on list, select when you want to remind the user.
- If you don't want Applaud to notify the user when the trigger creates the task, you must clear the Notify assignee when created option.
- Select ADD.