The app delivers several seeded components to help you configure Documents of Record quickly and easily:
Seeded components
- A Data Object Documents of record (XXAS_DOR) linked to a Database View called XXAS_DOR_V. This combines information from the base tables and hr_api_transactions into a consolidated view.
- A Form Documents of record (/public/xxas/emp/view/dor.xml) with the form handler xxas_dor_pkg.form_post_handler.
- Template Fast Formulas are XXAS_DOR_VIEW and XXAS_DOR_EDIT, which use the Applaud Person Formula Type.
- An auto setup accelerator generates the required configuration to help you get started quickly.
1. Configure Documents of Record in standard Oracle
If you haven't already, you need to configure Documents of Record in standard Oracle before deploying the same functionality in the app. You need to:
- Configure the DOCUMENT_CATEGORY Lookup Type and Sub-Categories (the latter is in *HRMS Manager: Other Definitions: User Types and Statuses).
- Configure the flexfield structures and attributes.
- Ensure the flexfield structure is frozen.
- Register the Document Type via the Register Document Types (EIT) concurrent program.
- Configure Information Type security.
- Copy the seeded Oracle HR_DOR_SS function. For example, XXX_HR_DOR_SS. If you're using a custom workflow process or your own AME transaction type, you likely need to update one or all of these parameters:
- pProcessName
- pAMETranType
- pAMEAppId=800.
- Added Documents of Record to your Employee Self Service and Manager Self Service menus.
- Tested it in the standard Oracle functionality to make sure it works
2. Chose your Applaud Employee and Manager roles
As part of your Applaud deployment, you should have deployed Applaud Employee and Manager roles, typically inherited by your Employee and Manager Self Service responsibilities.
For example, in standard auto-setup configurations, Applaud Employee Self Service Role (UMX|XXAS_ESS) and Applaud Manager Self Service Role (UMX|XXAS_MSS).
Although the above standard roles will exist on your installation, you may be using different roles. For example, this may be the case if you have used a non-auto-setup-based configuration or if you have complex requirements that go beyond a simple employee and manager role.
Regardless, you will need to have chosen one employee role and one manager before you begin Documents of Record configuration. After initial configuration, you can perform additional configuration and adjust it to your requirements.
You need to note the internal names of the roles, not the display names. For example, UMX|XXAS_ESS and not Applaud Employee Self Service Role.
3. Run Documents of Record Auto setup
Whether you are beginning afresh Applaud deployment or already have a mature live deployment, you can use auto-setup to install and auto-configure Documents of Record functionality by itself.
Before you run this, please note:
- You must never run this on a production system.
- Run this on a development environment and then export/import your finished configuration onto other environments. Always export/import onto a test system first and repeat the export/import process until your test system is perfect.
- This process cannot be undone.
- It can only be run once.
To run Documents of Record auto-setup, arrange for the following SQL to be run on a development system:
EXEC xxas_setup_dor_pkg.autosetup('UMX|XXAS_ESS', 'UMX|XXAS_MSS');
Replace the role names in red with those you selected in step 2.
- Creates a Documents of Record listing page and block (dor-list)
- Adds this listing page to your sub-navigation menu at the end
- Creates View, Create and Update pages and blocks (dor-view, dor-add, and dor-edit)
- Creates block actions to Edit and Delete
- Creates relevant access grants to the chosen Employee and Manager roles
4. Required manual configuration
Following the initial auto-setup, you must make these two amendments:
- Navigate to the dor-list page and edit the list block. Change the REST API from function-data/XXAS_DT_DOR to function-data/XXAS_DT_DOR/by-pk2/{INSTANCE_PK1_VALUE}. If this is already correct, you do not need to change this.
- Navigate to the dor-edit page and view the form block. Note the Linked function. Then, query this function in Functional Administrator: Core Services: Functions and update the function parameters to change the reference from HR_DOR_SS to your copied function from steps 1-6.
In step 2, don't accidentally paste in any white space or unwanted characters.
5. Optional manual configuration
Following the initial auto setup and the required configuration, you can make further configurations to suit your requirements. Here are some suggestions:
- Consider moving the list block onto an existing page that's already on your menu, for example, the Personal Information page. Don't forget to delete the sub-menu item and the dor-list page if you do this.
- If you'd rather keep the list block on its page, consider moving the sub-menu item to somewhere more logical, for example, near or underneath other relevant menu items.
- Adjust the grants as needed. For example, you may want to take away specific employee or manager privileges or grant additional privileges to other types of roles.
- Attachments are optional by default. If your business process mandates an attachment, set this in Fast Formula: Attachments_Min_Rows = 0 (and don't forget to return the Attachments_Min_Rows output).
If you wish to adjust the view or the edit Fast Formula (XXAS_DOR_VIEW and XXAS_DOR_EDIT), don't forget to copy the seeded Fast Formula first and then update the form block to reference your Fast Formula instead, which preserves your changes during an upgrade.
6. Move configuration to other environments
Once you have Documents of Record configured to your requirements on a development system, you can move the setup to a test environment and eventually production. Please refer to Importing and exporting to export the setup from a development environment and onto a test environment.
You might be tempted to re-run the auto-setup process on other environments and then make manual adjustments. However, the deployment generates the auto-setup configuration. Therefore, it might create a different configuration on different environments, for example, menu and function names. Coupled with manual configuration, it often leads to configuration errors and functionality failing to work as expected, which can be frustrating when you are on a tight timescale to deploy to a pre-production or production environment.
Exporting and importing is the best practice and leads to more accurate results.