Standard-Oracle Documents of Record functionality uses purpose-built attribution combined with flexfields. Implementers can use these standard fields combined with flexfield setup, user hook validation, and AME rules to create custom processes with unique business rules and approval chains.
The app supports this flexible architecture by supporting:
Flexfield definitions
The Document of Record function supports the Extra Document Info DDF and the HR_DOCUMENT_EXTRA_INFO flexfield definitions. The app detects these definitions and accordingly renders the configured attributes in the form. Required Attributes display with an asterisk to indicate a mandatory field, and hidden attributes are hidden, and so on.
The app supports the most advanced flexfield features, such as cascading defaults and $FLEX$ references.
Value sets
The app looks at the value sets attached to each attribute and renders each field appropriately when displaying a Document of Record form for creating or updating a row. For example, an attribute based on a Date value set displays a date field, and a List-of-Values attribute displays with a Select-single field, and so on.
HRMS API User Hooks
The standard Oracle HRMS APIs are called when a Document of Record is transacted. If you have created PL/SQL-based user hooks to perform custom validation, then these will be called when the user submits their changes. Similarly, if you have created custom triggers against the Oracle Tables (not recommended by Oracle), these will also fire when the API attempts to transact the data onto the tables.
If a business rule is violated, the error will be shown within the app, and the user will be required to modify their data or discard their work.
Approvals Management (AME)
When you configure Documents of Record, you can link it to the Base Oracle function that contains the Oracle Workflow process name and Approvals Management transaction type. This is used at run-time to invoke the correct workflow. The app will automatically work out the correct approvers to route the transaction to and display the approval chain to the user. The app supports AME rules that specify multiple approvers or approver groups; the appropriate information will be shown when the transaction is submitted.
If you do not link Documents of Record to the Base Oracle function, the app uses the base Oracle HRMS APIs to transact the Document of Record directly. No workflow or notifications are created at all.
Workflow Notifications
The Oracle Workflow process initiates as soon as you submit a Document of Record. You can then approve notifications through the standard Oracle worklist on the in-app worklist.