Use this dialog box to configure an organizational chart.
Choose data
Model | The model, on whose data the chart is based. |
Title | The label shown to users as a filter when the search shows results across multiple models. |
Filter data items |
Expands the view to show the Filter data items section to select the conditions you want the data items to meet. Don't use this for access control because users can still access data through other means, such as APIs. |
Sort data items |
Expands the view to show the Sort data items section to sort the data items for this block. |
Filter data items
Filter the content of your block to only show relevant data items.
Property |
A list of available properties for this model. |
Criteria |
A list of criteria that you can choose that you want the property value to meet. |
Value |
The value that you want the property data value to meet. |
Sort data items
Property | The property value you want to sort by. |
Order | The direction you want to sort by. |
Design list
Realtime preview | A preview of how your chart is going to look with data from your selected model. |
Hierarchical relationship | The relationships available for you to choose from. For example, Direct reports. |
Has children icon | The icon that appears on the bottom of the model record's card in the chart indicating there are child records to view. |
Features | The attributes your want on each card in your chart. |
Title | The property's value you want to appear as the main text on the card in the chart. |
Sub title | The property's value you want to appear under the main text on the card in the chart. |
Primary action
Link to |
You can link to an existing page in your tenant or an external link:
Page |
Appears after you select the "Applaud Cloud Page" option from the Link To setting. It lists all the pages in your Applaud tenant. The page you select opens when a user selects the card in your chart. |
Hyperlink |
Appears after you select the "External Hyperlink" option from the Link To setting. You can type in any URL to open when a user selects the card in the chart. |
Link target |
The options of how you want the page or URL to open, either in the current browser tab, a new tab, or in a dialog box (modal) within the page.
Secondary action
Title | The button label. |
Link to | The page or URL you want the button to open. |
Link target | How you want the page to open. |
Icon | The icon you want on the button. |
Image property | The image you want to represent your model's record on its card in the chart. |
Placeholder text | The text you want to appear if there is no image present. |
Property | The boolean property in your model you want to use. |
Condition | Choose if you want to show the chip if the boolean property is true or false. |
Text | The text you want to appear in the chip. |
Color | The color of the chip. This opens the color picker and you can choose any color. |
Icon | The list of icons you can choose from to appear on the chip. |
General content settings
Title |
The text that you want to appear on your button. |
Type of action |
A list of options of how your page can open. For example, in a new tab or a dialog box or modal. |
Target |
A list of the available pages in your tenant that the button opens or the URL of the website that you want to open. |
Icon |
A list of available icons that you can choose to add to the button. |
Color |
The default colors that you can choose the button to be. If you don't select this, Applaud uses the balanced color by default. |
Weight |
How you want the button to appear:
Hide/show based on a model property |
A boolean property in the model that when it meets your selected Condition hides or shows the button.
Condition |
The condition you want to happen if the boolean property is true. |
Hide or show this block using filters | Restrict or allow viewing further by adding custom filters to your list block. You can base these filters on anything such as role type, department, or location. |
Property |
A list of available properties for this model. |
Criteria |
A list of criteria that you can choose that you want the property value to meet. |
Value |
The value that you want the property data value to meet. |
Enable image export | Adds an Export button to your chart so your users can download an image of your chart. |
Export filename | The filename you want to give your chart's image. |