This page lists the file types you can upload to your Applaud platform. If you have trouble uploading a specific file type, please check your field's settings. Ensure that the Types of files setting is configured correctly. For more information, see our knowledge base article, Edit field.
Image file types
.bmp |
.jpeg |
.svg |
.gif |
.jpg |
.tif |
.ico |
.png |
.tiff |
Video file types
.m4v |
.ogm |
.webm |
.mp4 |
.ogv |
Document file types
.dfxp |
.key |
.odf |
.onetmp |
.pot |
.ppsx |
.sldx |
.xls |
.xltx |
.doc |
.mdb |
.odg |
.onetoc |
.potm |
.ppt |
.wp |
.xlsb |
.xlw |
.docm |
.mpp |
.odp |
.onetoc2 |
.potx |
.pptm |
.wpd |
.xlsm |
.xps |
.docx |
.numbers |
.ods |
.oxps |
.ppam |
.pptx |
.wri |
.xlsx |
.dotm |
.odb |
.odt |
.pages |
.pps |
.rtf |
.xla |
.xlt |
.dotx |
.odc |
.onepkg |
.pdf |
.ppsm |
.sldm |
.xlam |
.xltm |
Other file types
.7z |
.gz |
.indd |
.rar |
.xcf |
.ai |
.gzip |
.psd |
.tar |
.zip |