You must enroll in an Apple membership program to create a custom iOS app. See Apple's help topic, Choosing a Membership.
- On the Admin home page, select Mobile app, and on the Native apps settings page, in the App title box, type in the title that you want to appear on the device's home screen.
It's good practice to keep your app title short, ideally less than 12 characters.
- In the Identify your app on the app stores box, enter the ID. This is typically in reverse domain order.
This must match the App ID precisely, defined on the Apple Developer site under Certificates, Identifiers > Profiles: Identifiers: App IDs. For guidance on mobile app deployment, see our article, Deploying your mobile app.
- To add an icon for your app, under the Icon section, select UPLOAD YOUR ICON. Then, locate and select your icon from your file browser.
Your icon must be 1024px X 1024px in size. We accept .png files.
- To add a splash screen for your app to display to users when they launch your app, under the Splash screen section, select Upload your splash screen and choose the one you want to use.
- Under the Apple membership program section, select the type of membership program you elected to choose. If you haven't signed up yet, we recommend the Enterprise program. See Apple's help topic, Choosing a Membership. You must enroll in an Apple membership program to create a custom iOS app.
- When you complete the Apple developer setup, and you have these details, enter them in the relevant fields:
For further guidance on the Apple developer setup, see our article, Deploying your mobile app.
- iOS certificate
- iOS certificate password
- iOS provisioning profile
- iOS push notification certificate
- iOS push notification password
- To control which certificate is valid, you can select the Enable certificate pinning option and select UPLOAD PINNING CERTIFICATE.
Make sure you configure your certificate correctly. If you configure your pinning settings incorrectly, you could block access to your own website or break connectivity in your application.
- To connect your private app to a development or production system, in the Hosts section, enter the titles and the URLs.
- When you are happy with your settings, select SAVE.