When you are assigned a task, you might receive an email, and a badge appears in the toolbar, usually in the top-right.
Open tasks are shown on the Tasks page by default. However, you can change the filters to view closed tasks.
Once you select any other filter options, the RESET option appears. To set the filters back to the default setting, select RESET.
You can also sort your tasks list by date.
You can select the search icon to open a search box and type in a search term to filter your list by that term.
If you have quite a few tasks, you can select SELECT to mark several tasks and then mark them all as complete. You can only do this with manual tasks and not approval tasks.
You can select More options to open the context menu to reassign, mark as complete or delete the task.
When you delete a task, Applaud also deletes the corresponding notification.
You can create a task manually. This can be either for yourself, or you can then assign the task to another user. You can select the user to assign it to from a list of users in your Applaud tenant and add a note. Applaud sends the assigned user an email with a link to review the task. The assigned user can then open the task. They can edit the title and description of the task. They can also reassign the task back to you or on to someone else. They can edit the reassigned message that you wrote and add to it.