English is the default language, but we support many other languages, which you need to install. If you require any other languages, please contact your Applaud support representative.
Arabic | Filipino | Italian | Russian |
Armenian | Finnish | Japanese | Serbian |
Bulgarian | French | Korean | Slovak |
Catalan | German | Lithuanian | Slovenian |
Chinese | Greek | Luxembourgish | Spanish |
Croatian | Hebrew | Malay | Swedish |
Czech | Hindi | Norwegian | Thai |
Danish | Hungarian | Polish | Turkish |
Dutch | Icelandic | Portuguese | Ukrainian |
English | Indonesian | Romanian | Vietnamese |
You can install other languages to ensure your content is translated if you have users in various countries. See our knowledge base article, About languages in your Applaud tenant.
When you install a language, Google's AI-based machine translation can translate page titles, block titles, form labels, and more into those installed languages. Everything in the user interface is translated all of the time.
Any model property where you selected the Translatable option also gets translated.
Add a regional dialect for the installed language
You have the option to choose a regional dialect for the language that is installed. It's important to note that machine translation doesn't support dialects. Once the user selects a dialect, any changes made to the text on the page will be saved under that specific dialect. These changes will also be visible to other users who have chosen the same dialect. If no edits are made, the translation will default to the base language.