The Knowledge revisions page helps you manage an article's history by tracking changes, reviewing edits, and maintaining accuracy. Each revision includes the version number, author, timestamp, and a summary of changes, helping you understand the article's evolution and decide which version to review or restore.
Status chips
Status chips highlight each revision's state. These visual cues make it easy to navigate and manage revisions at a glance:
- Current: The active draft.
- Published: The live version.
- Retired: Older retired version.
View a previous revision
Clicking on a revision opens a detailed view, showing the summary of changes, the article's content in that version, and formatting updates. This thorough review helps you assess the impact of edits and determine if further updates are needed.
Using the revisions page, you maintain transparency and accountability while collaboratively refining content. It ensures your articles stay accurate and aligned with organizational standards, supporting a reliable and effective knowledge base.