In the Title and Sub Title boxes, type a title and subtitle for your chart.
If you're using aggregated data in your chart, select the Use Aggregations option, and then, from the Aggregation Properties list, select the values you want to show in your chart. Otherwise, in the Value Properties list, review the selected properties and clear any properties you don't want to include in your chart. This will not show if you're using aggregations as in the previous steps.
If you don't want a legend to appear on your chart, clear the Enable legend option.
If you want to change your legend to appear vertically from the Legend item layout list, select "Vertical." "Horizontal" is the default. Clearing the Enable legend option hides this option.
To remove the tooltip that appears when you place your cursor over a data item on the chart, clear the Enable Tooltip option.
X-axis settings for the area, bar, column, and line charts
To hide the x-axis title, clear the Show title option.
To change the x-axis title from the default property name, in the X axis title box, type the title that you want to appear.
To hide the x-axis label, clear the Show X axis label option.
From the Type list, select what you want to appear on the x-axis:
Linear - Number values.
Date time - Date and time values.
Category - Text values.
If you want to show the x-axis on the opposite side of normal, select the Opposite option.
If you want to reverse the x-axis. So the highest number is closest to the origin, select the Reversed direction option.
Y-axis settings for the area, bar, column, and line charts - Skip for pie charts
To hide the y-axis title, clear the Show title option.
To change the y-axis title from the default property name, in the Y axis title box, type the title that you want to appear.
To hide the y-axis label, clear the Show Y axis label option.
From the Type list, select what you want to appear on the y-axis:
Linear - Numerical values.
Date time - Date and time values.
Category - Text values.
If you want to show the y-axis on the opposite side of normal, select the Opposite option.
If you want to reverse the y-axis so that the highest number is closest to the origin, select the Reversed direction option.