Release notes for May 2022 (6.2.0) - Applaud for Oracle E-Business Suite
🚀New Features
Pre-populate competences inside the performance review #4084
Competence capture of proficiency by employee and manager #4060
Support for a page where employee/manager/HR should be able to view current employee competency profile and gaps #4059
Competency Description, Behavioral Indicator, Current and Target Proficiency Level, and Proficiency Gap Fields should be displayed in the Competencies block of Performance Review Page #4048
🐛Bug Fixes
Ebiz Cloud Synchronization program logs a malformed JSON when some records are not pushed to Applaud Cloud due to a 502 error #4135
API is throwing 500 for Applaud feed #4136
Net Amount is coming up as 0 & unable to display Oracle Payslip for Canada #4055
Unable to approve timecard entries for ex-employee #3996
OTL entries of different types created from Applaud Calendar show incorrectly in the Oracle timecard as the same type #3905
Performance review page action should be rendered according to the acting person for HRBP #3835
"Invalid number" error when requesting an absence with a European number format preference #3757