When you have determined all of your components, it's time to create a template.
- Navigate to Admin home and select Templates.
- Select Create new from the top-right of the page.
Choose contents
- Enter a meaningful title for your template. In this example, we are calling ours 'Flexible working app.'
- Check the 'Give access to additional named tenants' checkbox.
- Enter the URL for your production tenant and any other tenants you wish to install this template on.
- Enter a brief but meaningful Intro. In this example, we are entering 'Provide your workforce with freedom to choose where they work at any given time.'
- Enter a full description for your application. It's your choice what you enter here as long as it's meaningful to you.
- Select an Icon to represent your application.
- In the relevant content fields, enter all of your components: Models, Model data, Pages, Workflows, Validation rules, Chatbots, Search objects, Menus, and Roles.
- Select Continue when you are happy with the details.
Check manifest
Check that you are happy with everything that you've added and either go Back and add more data or select Save to finalize your template.