- The Phone Type
- The Country Code
- The Phone Number
Twilio is flexible with number formats and can handle the same number being formatted in different ways including spacing, hyphens, and brackets.
- Update the existing number on record to match this one
- Add a new number to their personal information record
If a user is entering a number for a phone type that isn't already on record, the number will automatically be added to their personal information record.
If a user makes any changes, a Personal Information workflow will be launched. If it requires approval, the user is informed that they cannot continue. If it does not require approval, the user will immediately proceed to the token entry screen where they will be sent a token to their SMS device.
If the Personal Information workflow requires approval, a user will be blocked from logging in to the app until their Personal Information workflow is approved.
During registration, the app communicates with Twilio to create a user. It sends the absolute minimum required data to Twilio, which includes:
- The person's email address (taking from their person record or, if that's blank, their user record)
- Their country code
- Their phone number
Twilio in return sends back a unique user Id, which is then held in Oracle against that individual. This user Id is then used for future communication with Twilio to issue tokens, validate tokens and remove users.
When the app registers the user with Twilio, it sends their email address, country code, and their phone number. This information is required by Twilio; only the minimum information is sent.