If you are downloading translations using FNDLOAD, please ensure you export the NLS_LANG environment variable to the appropriate language before running FNDLOAD. It would be best if you exported this as follows:
For example:
You can verify the value is set correctly using this command:
Once set up, you can proceed to use FNDLOAD as described below.
For a comprehensive listing of the language, territory, and character set parameters, please select from the fnd_languages_vl database view.
The page export is a single utility to export:
- Pages and linked menus
- Blocks and linked functions
- Page and block actions, including linked functions
- Grants and permission sets for blocks, page actions, and block actions
- Granted objects and object instance sets
Using this utility, you can extract large parts of your configuration quickly and easily. You typically export Pages by using the Application Menu linked to the page, and so the following command will usually extract all pages:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $XXAS_TOP/import/xxas_full_page_loader.lct xxx_pg.ldt XXAS_PAGES MENU_NAME="XXX%"
Menus include your burger, user, and sub-nav menus. See Menus for more information.
To export all menus and functions, run the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct xxx_menu.ldt MENU MENU_NAME="XXX%"
This exports some of the same data in your page's export; that's ok.
You also need to run the following command to export supplementary menu data not extracted with the above command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $XXAS_TOP/import/xxas_menu_loader.lct xxx_xxasmenu.ldt XXAS_MENUS MENU_NAME="XXX%"
If you export translations, please ensure you export the NLS_LANG environment variable first. Please see Downloading translations.
Most grants are included in the Pages export. However, that will not include:
- Permissions used in the function-data REST APIs
- Permissions you may have used in Fast Formula and Value Sets
- Permissions you have used in custom REST APIs
To export your grants, menus, functions, objects, and instance sets, run the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct xxx_granted_menu.ldt GRANT GNT_MENU_NAME='XXX%'
This exports some of the same data in your page's export; that's ok.
To export all roles, run the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afrole.lct xxx_role.ldt WF_ROLE ROLE_NAME="UMX|XXX%"
Profile settings
To export all Applaud profile settings, run the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscprof.lct xxx_prof.ldt PROFILE PROFILE_NAME="XXAS%" APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="XXAS"
To export your messages, run the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afmdmsg.lct xxx_msg.ldt FND_NEW_MESSAGES APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="XXAS" MESSAGE_NAME="XXX%"
If you export translations, please ensure you export the NLS_LANG environment variable first. Please see Downloading translations.
Lookup Type and Lookup Values
To export a lookup type and its values, run the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/
aflvmlu.lctxxx_lookup_name_lookup.ldt FND_LOOKUP_TYPE LOOKUP_TYPE="XXX%"
If you export translations, please ensure you export the NLS_LANG environment variable first. Please see Downloading translations.
Value sets
To export value sets, run the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct xxx_vset_flex.ldt VALUE_SET FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME="XXX%"
Request sets
For installations with multiple Business Groups, you may wish to create a Request Set that runs the install business group process for each group. To export a Request Set, run the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcprset.lct xxx_xxas_install_rset.ldt REQ_SET_LINKS APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="PER" REQUEST_SET_NAME="XXX%"
Search facet translations
You can use the Applaud-provided loader to download search facet translations.
Please ensure you export the NLS_LANG environment variable first. Please see Downloading translations.
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_pw> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $XXAS_TOP/import/