The employee calendar:
- Allows an employee to browser through their leave, absence, and other events in a list (agenda), week, or month view.
- Can show absences, public holidays, learning management training courses, timecard entries, payroll cut-off dates, and the employee's birthday
- Allows new absences to be initiated by selecting the cells on the calendar to pre-populate the dates
- Allows existing absences to be dragged/dropped or extended
- Has filters that allow an employee to filter by type of event, absence type, absence reason, and others
- Allows mass action of timecard events, such as submitting a timecard
- Links to the peer's calendar ("view team")
It has rich configuration and personalization options so you can:
- Hide or show types of events at a block level, such as hiding birthdays or payroll cut-off dates (applies to all users)
- Hide or show events using your own Fast Formula logic
- Personalize the color, icon, and text of each event
Hiding events at the block level (applies to all users)
This calendar is a list block and uses the following REST API:
You can change various request parameters on this REST API to alter the behavior at a block-level:
Parameter | Sample | Notes |
includeAbs | Y, N | Whether to show absences or not. Pending absences only show from the HR_GENERIC_APPROVAL_PRC workflow, not the older HR_LOA_JSP_PRC workflow. |
includeTCM | Y, N | Whether to show timecard events or not. Set this to N if not using the Applaud Time product; Y otherwise. |
includeBD | Y, N | Whether to show birthday events or not. |
includePH | Y, N | Whether to show public holidays or not. |
includePayDates | Y, N | Whether to show payroll cut-off dates or not. |
comEventsResMsg | An Application Message that's used for the common events label. This is XXAS_COMMON_EVENTS_RES_NAME by default. |
Changing the start day on the weekly views
The weekly views start on a Sunday by default. You can alter this behavior by adding an additional parameter to the block function:
Parameter | Meaning |
&pFirstDay=0 | Starts on Sunday (default) |
&pFirstDay=1 | Starts on Monday |
&pFirstDay=6 | Starts on Saturday |
If you're a timecard user with weekly timecards, change the weekly views to start on the same day as your timecard period. This will make it convenient for users to see a complete view of each weekly timecard.
Public holidays
Public holidays are configured using the BANK_HOLIDAYS User Defined Table. This table is populated as below:
Country | Row | Effective Start Date | Effective End Date | Value |
United States | New Year's Day (US/UK) | 01-Jan-2018 | 01-Jan-2018 | <null> |
United Kingdom | Boxing Day (UK) | 26-Dec-2017 | 26-Dec-2017 | <null> |
United Kingdom | New Year's Day (US/UK) | 01-Jan-2018 | 01-Jan-2018 | <null> |
This User Defined Table will already exist in Business Groups with GB legislation. For all other Business Groups, you will need to set up this table using *HRMS Manager: Other Definitions: Table Structure and Table Value. Note the following:
- The table should be called BANK_HOLIDAYS and use Match. Remember to date-track back when creating the table.
- The columns define the countries. You may wish to create additional columns for cases where public holidays only apply to parts of a country, eg, holidays in certain states or jurisdictions
- The rows define the name of the public holiday. For example, New Year's Day.
- To add a public holiday to the table, use the Table Values form. Find the right column and date-track to the date of the public holiday. Select the row and save. Then re-query and delete - you'll want to use the date-track End Date mode to end the holiday on the same day.
Once holidays have been defined, they will immediately appear in the calendar.
Payroll cut-offs
Cut-off dates are retrieved from the Cut Off date of each payroll period:
Birthdays are calculated from a person's date of birth. By default, users only see their own birthdays in the calendar and do not see team any team birthdays. This can be changed by relaxing the default Fast Formula logic so that team birthdays are also shown.
Team calendar
The team calendar contains many of the same capabilities as the Employee calendar, supplemented with additional features:
- Shows events for multiple people in a single calendar, showing a person's photo and name in each event so that the user can easily identify the event owner
- Provides a scheduler view, where people are listed down the y axis
- Allows an employee to browser through their leave, absence, and other events in a list (agenda), week, or month view.
- Can show absences, public holidays, learning management training courses, timecard entries, payroll cut-off dates, and the employee's birthday
- Allows new absences to be initiated by selecting the cells on the calendar to pre-populate the dates
- Allows existing absences to be dragged/dropped or extended
- Has filters that allow an employee to filter by type of event, absence type, absence reason, and others
- Allows mass action of timecard events, such as submitting a timecard
- Links to the peer's calendar ("view team")