The object ID is the ID given to the model record or instance and shows that record's property values on a page. For example, here we have an export of a "Directory" model, where we can see the object ID column:
When adding a page with a list block, each model's instance is shown as a list item. Here we have the directory list items shown in a grid view:
We configured a primary action so that when you select an item in the list, the "Profile" page opens, and Applaud passes the instance's object ID, so the page knows which instance's property values to display. Here we have added a profile page and selected "Amy Adams" from the list, so the page knows to load the property values for that instance. You can see the same ID as we highlighted earlier in this article by looking at the URL address.
If you add a list block and filter the data by the object ID or if the model contains {id}, for example, /person/{id}/job, the page model is set to the same model as the list block, and that page requires an object ID. Also, if you add a form block.. then the page model is also set to the same model as the form block, and that page also requires an object id In the above cases, after adding one of the above blocks, you will only be able to add other blocks with the same or related models.. eg.. /person or. /person/{id}/some-relation But if you add a list block that does not contain object Id in filters and the model does not contain {id} (eg.. just /person).. then the page model is not set, and you can add other blocks with any model
An example of using the object ID in a filter for a page would be an onboarding page, which takes a person id as the object ID. You add a block called "Other new joiners" and add the conditions:
- "start date is less than 7 days ago," AND
- "person id is not any of {{objectId}}"
The second condition ensures that the new starter them-self isn't shown.
Another example would be a knowledge article page using an article ID as the object ID. On the page, we want to show a preview of what the knowledge article looks like in a list item. We show a list of all knowledge articles (I don't think we can have a list based on knowledge-article/{id} in this case) but then use a filter to say "article id is any of {{objectId}}" to filter that down to the article this page is about.
Pages, blocks, and the object ID
A page will require an object ID to show the property values for the list.