If you selected to display a list of the tasks linked by the foreign key to the model, you wouldn't see these options. Instead, you can only choose if you want to Show the text type in the overline. This won't show simple or approval task types. Instead, this is for the task type you configured, for example, Onboarding or Check-in.
- Under the Text section, from the Title list, select the property to populate the main element of your block.
- From the Subtitle list, select the property to populate text that appears under the main title element of your block. This text is less prominent than the title text.
- From the Overline list, select the property to populate the text that appears just above the title. This text is less prominent than the title text.
- From the Action text list, select the property to populate the text that appears in the top right of the block. For example, if you add a date property, it shows the time until or time since in an abbreviated form, "6 days ago."