You need to make sure you enable the Google Maps APIs, create credentials for an API, and restrict it to these APIs:
Please always refer to Google's online help for the most up-to-date information. See their help topic, Maps JavaScript API.
- Create a project. See Google's help article, Getting started with Google Maps Platform.
- Under APIs and services, navigate to the API Library and enable the APIs:
- Geocoding API
- Maps JavaScript API
- Under APIs and services, under Credentials, create credentials for an API key.
- Remember to restrict the API key before using it in production. See Google's help article, Restricting your API keys.
- You should restrict your key to your standard applaud domain and any custom domain. See Google's help article, Setting an application restriction for an API key.
Restriction type: HTTP referrers
- Example: **
- Example: **
Restriction type: HTTP referrers
- Take a copy of your API Key.
- In the Applaud platform, on the Admin home page, select Settings.
- Under the Google Maps API Key section, in the Google Map Key box, enter your API key.
- Select UPDATE.