Phone numbers are displayed in the Context Header. The display of phone numbers and email addresses is controlled by Fast Formula. This chapter gives information on how to configure this formula.
Default Fast Formula
Auto setup automatically creates a default Fast Formula for you to use, which will have the name [Object prefix]_COM_BASIC_CONTACT, eg, XXX_COM_BASIC_CONTACT. This formula is specified in a User Defined Table (UDT). You can view or change the active Fast Formula by following the instructions below:
Use an HRMS Administrator's responsibility, such as US HRMS Manager. Ensure this is attached to a Business Group into which this product was installed (refer to Installation for more information).
Navigate to Other Definitions: Table Values
Query back the table XXAS_COM_BASIC_FORMULA
Find the Contact Details row and view the value, which contains the name of the Fast Formula
Email address
A person’s email address is retrieved using the following precedence:
The email from the person’s HR record
If that is not set, it uses the email address held against the User record associated with the person’s HR record
Phone numbers
By default, phone numbers are categorized for display according to the following table. The list of phone types supported can easily be extended by configuring the contact numbers Fast Formula.
Display | Associated phone type |
Mobile | %CELL%, %MOBILE% |
Fax | %FAX% |
Hidden | H%, %HOME% |
Landline | All other phone types |
Fast Formula options
If your Oracle HR implementation includes user-defined non-work phone types that are different from any of the patterns above, you must ensure you hide the relevant phone types to prevent users from seeing employees' personal or private numbers. This will help you conform to data privacy laws regarding sharing of non-work-related personal information.
Formula functionality
The formula controls the display of phone numbers and email addresses. Using the formula you can control:
Which phone types are displayed
The order in which email and phones are displayed
The text that is shown for each internal phone type
Configuring which phone numbers to hide
Within the default formula, you will see the following logic:
If upper(Phone_Type_Code) Like 'H%' Or
upper(Phone_Type) Like '%HOME%' Then
/* Hide all home numbers */
Show = 'No'
If you have defined further phone types that you wish to suppress, or you are not using the Oracle standard phone type for home numbers, simply change this clause to include the lookup code or looking meaning for the phone type in question.
For example, to suppress a phone type of Emergency which has a lookup code of EMRG, you could change the above clause to:
If upper(Phone_Type_Code) Like 'H%' Or upper(Phone_Type) Like '%HOME%' Or upper(Phone_Type_Code) Like '%EMRG%' Then
/* Hide all home numbers and emergency number */
Show = 'No'
Changing prompts
By default, the phone type will be used as the text for each phone number, e.g., “Fax: 001-650-245603”. You can change the prompt used for each phone type, using the CONTACT_NAME output. For example, if the Phone Type is “Work Cell” you can change the prompt used to just “Cell” using the code below:
Else If upper(Phone_Type) Like '%CELL%' Then
/* Set details for cell/mobile numbers */
Contact_Type_Name = 'Cell'
Changing display order
The order in which email and phone types are displayed can easily be changed. For example, suppose you wanted the mobile number to be displayed first, above the email address. You would change the Order_Sequence attribute from 3 to 1, in the logic shown below (1 has the highest precedence):
Else If upper(Phone_Type) Like '%CELL%' Or
upper(Phone_Type) Like '%MOBILE%' Then
/* Set details for cell/mobile numbers */
Order_Sequence = 3
Formula inputs and outputs
Documentation for the Fast Formula inputs and outputs can be found within the formula itself. Query the Fast Formula back in the Write Formula screen and press the Edit button to view the Fast Formula contents.