Use this page to give your users access to only the model's data that they need access to so that data is safe and you comply with legislative requirements. You can control the whole model's properties or apply a filter so that the policy only applies to a single property of the model.
Role |
The list of available roles in your Applaud tenant. |
Filters |
The list of available filters that you can see in the Filters table, which helps you to control access to a model's property data. |
Permission |
This indicates whether the person with this role can either access or is restricted from any of the actions on the model's data.
View |
This means that the user with this role can or can't view the model's data. If you have a filter applied, this means that you are controlling access to a specific property. |
Create |
This means that the user with this role can or can't add to the model's data. If you have a filter applied, this means that you are controlling access to a specific property. |
Update |
This means that the user with this role can or can't update the model's data. If you have a filter applied, this means that you are controlling access to a specific property. |
Delete |
This means that the user with this role can or can't delete the model's data. If you have a filter applied, this means that you are controlling access to a specific property. |
Deletes the policy row from the policy table. |
Adds a new blank policy row to your policy table. |
Filters No. |
This indicates how many filters you have. |
Opens the Filter dialog box so that you can create a new filter. |
Opens the Search box so that you can search your filters. |
Filter row |
Opens the Filter dialog box so that you can update your filter details. |
Opens the context menu so that you can delete the filter. |