Use this dialog box to create a template from your Applaud tenant so that you can install it on another.
Only users with the Tenant admin or Experience Designer roles can view this page or perform this action.
Title |
The name of your template. For example, "Expenses." |
Give access to additional named tenants |
Expands the view to show the Named tenants section, where you can enter the URL address for the tenant. |
Named tenants |
The URL address of the tenants where you can install this configuration template. |
Intro |
This is a short description of what this template does. For example, "Expense capture and workflow." |
Full description |
This is a more detailed description of what this template does. You can include pictures and videos. |
Models |
A list of models available in your Applaud tenant. |
Model data |
If you select the model data here, you don't need to select the model from the Models list too because all dependencies are picked up by Applaud automatically. Note
Pages |
A list of pages, workflows, search objects, menus and roles that you've added to your Applaud tenant. If you haven't added anything, for example, you haven't added any menus, there will be none in this list. The ones you select here are included in your template. You can pick the contents items in any order. Any dependent items are selected automatically and shown to you on the Check manifest list. |
Workflows |
Search objects |
Menus |
Roles |
Models |
The list of selected items and all item dependencies. Chips with a plus sign indicate these are new objects in the manifest. Different chips highlight changed unchanged and removed items. |
Model data |
Pages |
Workflows |
Bots |
Validation rules |
Search objects |
Menus |
Surveys |
Roles |
Brands |
Global settings |
Mobile custom app settings |