🚀 New Features
- Option to force a page refresh after flexible block changes- #3559
- Option to show only primary assignments in team calendar - #3534
🐛 Bug Fixes
- The person id context inside the absence calendar Fast Formulas is never set- #3596
- Flexible block data function parameters aren't picked up when configured in HTML call rather than function parameters- #3581
- Changes to competencies don't show without a manual refresh- #3576
- Leave of absences created through the Absences block action are not displayed on the calendar until a hard refresh.- #3574
- Max value of a salary slider is not translated from English- #3567
- 'Forgotten to clock out?' link on the time-clock errors when pressed- #3526
- 'Primary contact' checkbox is always unticked when viewing a contact- #3490
- Users stop receiving push notifications if none are sent for an extended period- #3488