- Open an existing page or create a new one. See our knowledge base article, Add a new page and header.
- If there are tools shown here that you can't see on your toolbar, you might want to select the Opt-in to correct rich text formatting option at the bottom of the Settings page.
Selecting the Opt-in to corrected rich text formatting may affect the formatting of any existing content due to previous limitations, and you may need to revisit them. See our Rich text new vs. old article for more information.
Add a Rich text block to your page
- On your page, select ADD CONTENT, and in the Content dialog box, select the Rich text block.
- Scroll down, and in the Title box, give your block a meaningful name.
- Select SAVE. Applaud adds a text editor box to your page.
Add content to the editor
- Add and format text, links, pictures, or videos to the editor.
- Toggle between the Visual and HTML views to further configure your content.
- Use the toolbar to format your text and add your media:
Use the options to make your text bold (B), italic (I), underlined (U), strikethrough, or subscript Like this, or superscript Like this. To add a numbered list, select the numbered list icon. To add a bulleted list, select the bulleted list icon. To align your text either left, center, or right, select the corresponding icon. Indentation of the text can make a paragraph stand out. To quickly format a heading, select the style you want from the list. Increase or decrease the selected text's size. Select the color of the font. Select the background color of the text. Highlight the text in a completely different color. To remove any formatting from text quickly, select the clear format icon. To add a link, select your text and select the link icon. To embed a video link, select the film icon and paste the link to the video you want to embed. To upload an image or video, select the picture icon and select Upload from computer. Note: You can only upload videos 20MB or less. This supports MP4, MOV, M4V, MKV, and WebM. Format text to a quote Add a code snippet Add a table. Add a specific code snippet. Toggle the editor to full-screen.
Configure your block settings
- On the Rich text block top-right, select the cog
- On the Settings dialog box, configure your General content settings. See our knowledge base article, General content settings.