Use this page to create user groups from individual users or users that meet certain criteria. You can then use these user groups in workflow actions to send notifications or assign tasks.
User groups No. |
This indicates the number of user groups that you have. |
Opens the User group dialog box, where you can enter a Name for your group and choose to add users from a Fixed list of users or add a Variable list of users using filters. |
This opens the Search box, where you can search your list of users for a specific user. The search filters the list in real-time as you type. To close the box, select CANCEL. |
User group row |
Selecting the user group row opens the User group dialog box, where you can manage the group's details. |
User group row
User group description |
This is the description that you gave the group when you created it. |
User group name |
This is the name you gave the group when you created it. |
Context menu
Opens a context menu, where you can DELETE the user group. |
Removes the user group. |