πNew Features
Upgraded to new Twilio Verify Cloud APIs for two-factor authentication (2FA)
We've updated the APIs used for the Twilio Verify service for two-factor authentication to the cloud APIs.
Return for correction now only shows participants of the approval group
We've changed the "Return to" field in notifications to now only show the approval group, not the manager's name.
πBugs Fixed
Users can again reset their password from the "Forgot your password" link on the login page
We fixed an issue whereby the temporary password sent to users showed an invalid password message. This now works as expected without the error message.
Redirect closes the modal window again
We fixed an issue whereby a modal window remained open after deleting an instance.
Notification page performance improvement
We've fixed some performance issues on the notification page.
Set-Cookie attributes in Applaud APIs for Andriod support
We updated the REST APIs so that Applaud can pick the correct cookies and send them back to the server that Android devices are expecting.
The new Android security features will be available at the end of July for Android devices. Therefore, you should install this March release and test it before the end of July. Otherwise, your Android users won't be able to access your Applaud Platform.