Our platform has a simple, consumer-grade interface that is also very configurable to achieve the solution your organization needs. We have content that walks you through it from start to finish so that you can take full advantage of all the platform's useful features. From configuring onboarding journeys for new starters to integrating your new Applaud platform with your existing systems.
Whether you like to jump right in or want to take your time, we have you covered with engaging videos, articles, best practice guides, and step-by-step tutorials, all written with the beginner in mind and showing you how easy it is to achieve complex solutions without any prior technical knowledge.
Our lessons give you a great starting point for getting your head around the platform and it's many useful features. Of course, you might choose to work through the lessons individually or follow a defined path to become a certified Applaud Guru (more on this later), but whatever your goal or role, we are confident that we have just what you need to help you get going and continued support along your journey in creating unique applications for your workforce.
Follow defined paths to become a guru in all things Applaud. (And brag to your LinkedIn connections about it!)
Applaud essentials
Applaud Essentials helps you get off the ground with this powerful piece of kit and provides you with the foundation knowledge to move on to our 'Guru seeker' course and certification path, which puts you well on your way to becoming a master of the Applaud platform.
Guru Seeker
Guru Seeker is the next step towards becoming a master in all things Applaud. Throughout this course, you learn how to build a sample application that you can use in your deployment. We've designed the steps throughout the course to show you practical steps and get hands-on to empower you with the confidence to design and build your applications. When you have completed this course, you will be awarded the Guru Seeker certification, and you can move on to our Guru Master certification.
Guru Master
Guru master is an award less about learning and more about demonstrating everything you have learned to deploy the Applaud solution competently. To achieve your Guru master award, firstly, you must have achieved the Applaud essentials and Guru seeker certifications. The second part is to demonstrate how you have successfully deployed two end-to-end projects using various project management, technical, and creative skills and utilizing the platform's many features.
To start your journey towards becoming an Applaud Guru, you can contact techcomms@applaudhr.com stating your full name, job title, organization, and which lessons or certifications you would like to enroll in. Once we've validated your email address, we'll invite you to join our academy.