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Release notes for December 2022 - Cloud Platform
🚀New Features
- Remove the "Conversions" tile from the Sparkline chart #5984
- Alter the title for the Form by engagement time on the Experience Insights page #5970
- Alter the Popular knowledge article's title on the experience insights dashboard #5968
- Restrict Tenants from accessing other tenants with their Domain Keys #5956
- Domain API Keys (pages/blocks setup) #5874
- API keys need CRUD access to standard Task #5357
- Reordering of sub-fields within a multirow in form builder #4691
- Provide All API keys access to the chatbot and chatflow models #4687
- Ability to edit a user name and initials #3826
- Domain API keys #2755
🐛Bug Fixes
- Scripts are failing with errors and hanging post queue changes #6004
- Remove the X-axis label seen in the All forms block to maintain consistency #5969
- Channels block in Experience insights display duplicate entries. #5946
- The channels chart in Experience insights should display the number of devices logged in of the device category. #5943
- Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. #5937
- Receive an authorization error while using the /history API with an API key #5914
- Remove unnecessary facets from seeded pages #5912
- Optimise ACL filters loading speed #5907
- Some workflow actions don't work when triggered by a chatbot #5873
- Sorts on related properties are not working #5817
- Task model - unable to filter on Task.isClosed - Errors saying not indexed. #5816
- Template installation is getting failed for sometime before converting automatically to success #5564
- The number of facets shown in the list filters is limited to 5. #5849
- Improve MongoDB queries #5243
- Unable to include model data in a template if it has been installed through template #4868
- "Search for" global search filter shows all values regardless of results #4259
- Sort order is not working correctly on the roles page #4178