Run a workflow on existing data
We have added the ability for you to re-run a workflow on existing instances in a model. The new option only appears if you have "Update" selected in your workflow trigger. See our knowledge base article, Run a workflow on existing data.
When you select the new function, it shows you how many instances it has found and how many it will update.
Show instances in approval before re-running workflows
This update now shows you if and how many instances are in approval before you continue to re-run the workflow. The workflow won't run on these instances in approval. You can select the highlighted instances to view them. See our knowledge base article, Run a workflow on existing data.
List block features
Highlight color for list block items
We've added a new Highlight feature to list blocks, which you can use for the Row, Grid, Mini Grid, and Timeline layouts.
You can select a color property to use and the property to use as a tooltip for Grid layouts with avatars. See our knowledge base article, Configure the Highlight feature.
Experience Insights
Support for no data message for the map chart widget
When no data is present for a specific period, you now see this message for the Engagement by country chart. See our knowledge base article, About the Experience Insights dashboard in Applaud.
Support for showing data in the advanced Sparkline chart widget
We've changed the channels chart from a ring donut to a stacked bar chart. See our knowledge base article, About the Experience Insights dashboard in Applaud.
Recent Activity view
We've added a new page to the Users section so you can view a user's recent activity history and check all the recent security events that happened on the user's account. See our knowledge base article, View a user's recent activity.
Support for inviting users with their personal email address
We've added support so that you can add users to your platform with their personal email addresses. So you can now invite users before they get a company email and set them preboarder tasks such as viewing contracts or other documents. After they join, you can update their email address to their company email. See our knowledge base article, Send an invite to a new user.
Update user preferences language with Workato
We've updated the API access so you can use Workato to update the user preference data. See our knowledge base article, About Applaud's integration with Workato.
Task model
"Is canceled" boolean property
We wanted to give users the option to cancel a task and have control over when to show the canceled tasks. Therefore, we added a new boolean-type property to the standard Task model.
Once the new boolean property is true, it updates the Status to "Cancelled." Also, you can see this as a chip on the task and under the status when you open it. See more about tasks in our knowledge base article, Add a Create task workflow action.
API keys CRUD access for Workato
We wanted to give customers access to the task model from within Workato. So we updated the Task model's API access so you can fetch the task model properties and use the task data in the search, create, update, and delete actions across all the recipes. Please see our knowledge base article, About Applaud's integration with Workato.
Task model should be available in actions and triggers
We wanted customers to be able to use the Task model in the Workato Applaud connector actions so that you can create and update tasks through integrations. So we've made the Task model available in actions and triggers in Workato. Please see our knowledge base article, About Applaud's integration with Workato.
Mobile app
Build-failure email messages for when the native app build fails
If a native app build failed, customers were unaware of why. So we've added build failed messages, so now, when a build fails, you receive an email containing the reason for the failure. You can see more about builds in our knowledge base article, Deploy to your private enterprise app store.
See the related model for workflows and validation rules
We've appended the model's name to the workflow and the validation rule name. See more about templates in our knowledge base article, About templates.
Auto-update page data
We have added a new auto-update feature to some areas of the platform. We've made it so that changes to data on the page you are viewing update instantaneously. For example, if one user updates some data on one page, and you have a page displaying the same data, then you will see the changes instantly.
This happens if either a user, the API, or Workato performs a create, update, or delete action. The page doesn't refresh. Instead, the data is updated automatically. This is yet to be available throughout the system. These are the areas we have covered in this release:
Custom List blocks
List blocks, which administrators add for users. When any user is on a page with a list block, the block items update if another user updates the data in the model.
Custom Chart blocks
Analytic blocks, which administrators add for users. When any user is on a page with an analytic chart block, the block items update if another user updates the data in the model.
Custom Detail blocks
Detail blocks, which administrators add for users. When any user is on a page with a detail block, the block items update if another user updates the data in the model.
Custom Calendar block
Calendar blocks, which administrators add for users. When any user is on a page with a calendar block, the block items update if another user updates the data in the model.
Tasks and notifications
On the Task and Notification pages for all users. When any user has either their Task or Notification pages open and another user updates any task or notification details, they see the updates on the pages automatically.
Admin pages
We've been working on the auto-update enhancement across the platform for a seamless experience. We've completed these areas so far and are working on the rest of the platform to be deployed in a later release.
- Users page: Except for the invite, suspend and delete user actions.
Models page:
- Schema page
- Imports page
- Exports page
- Validation rules page: Only adding rules
- Settings page.
- Roles page.
- API keys page.
- Pages page: Not entirely, but only a few actions.
- Feedback and pulse surveys pages.
- Chatbots page: Only adding chatbots.
- Templates page
Custom "From" email address
We've added new custom email settings so your users can receive emails from your own company domain so that they don't know or need to understand who Applaud is, and their experience is more company branded. See our knowledge base article, About sending Applaud emails from your custom domain.
Update quick replies text on the Ask a Question chatbot action
We wanted our customers to be able to edit the text labels on quick reply values used in the "Ask a question" chatbot action. So that you can modify the text used in quick replies whenever you want without having to delete the whole reply. You can now edit the Quick Replies label without removing the whole reply and the branch. See more about the Ask a Question chatbot action in our knowledge base article, Add an Ask a question chat action.
Global search
Recent searches and recent results
We wanted users to be able to quickly go back to recent search results so that they don't have to remember and re-enter the exact keywords they used last time if they have been searching for something. See more about search settings in our knowledge base article, About search settings.
Page settings
Prevent the page from showing data from the signed-in user by default
We've added a new option to the Page settings modal window when the page is linked to a model.
- Prevent this page from showing data from the signed-in user by default
You can use this new option to automatically prevent any data from populating the page based on the signed-in user. See our knowledge base article, Configure your page settings.