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Release notes for November 2022 - Cloud Platform
🚀New Features
- Experience Insights - knowledge content chart top 15 titles #5876
- Domain API Keys (pages/blocks setup) #5874
- Experience Insights - showing facet count on the filters is confusing to user #5865
- Experience Insights - replace all plotly charts with Highcharts #5862
- Experience Insights - UX improvements to show right order of charts and their titles #5756
- Simple overriding of machine translation #3827
- Clear property chatflow action #2805
🐛Bug Fixes
- Apps settings test file failing #5954
- Default search indexes are not being created when a named search index exists on a model #5893
- All search index mapping errors on all environments #5888
- Experience Insights - filters are not working as expected #5866
- Experience insights - period search filter label is incorrect #5856
- List search is not working on PROD #5814
- Direct FK filter properties and direct lookups are not being shown on the list search #5812
- Tasks search is not working on Tryapplaud #5798
- Records are not being shown without object id context #5714
- Tenants overview is taking time to load and crashing at times #5652
- Updating a large form interaction times out #5763
- Adding a search filter throws an error when the model property value contains object id #5624
- Error while using bulkUpsert API for models with ACL filters #5611
- Wrong message showing after ending preview of a brand theme #5383
- Updating/Adding a filter is slow #5349
- Error message is not shown when model data Import fails #5318
- The reordering of form fields is not getting reflected on the list item forms #5280
- Unable to choose a page header model for an existing menu #4730
- Adding a model property called 'type' causes errors #3870
- Field limit error for a form inside a list still showing after removing the list's form block feature #3722
- No object id is passed when using a sub-menu for list secondary actions #3178
- Unable to pick custom user properties for foreign key fields in filters #3024