This template adds a helper bot to aid users experiencing trouble on the sign-in page. The helper bot identifies their issue and provides them with the appropriate steps to get signed in.
This template installs functionality and content already covered in other template articles:
The template adds the Sign-in helper chatbot:
We've set the bot's target to open on your sign-in page whether you are using the default sign-in page or the one from the branded sign-in page sample template:
It launches when there is an error on the sign-in form, after ten seconds on the page, or after ten seconds of inactivity.
In this example, we're using a modified version of the Branded sign-in page from the template:
The helper bot opens the chat window and prompts you to choose an option that best suits your situation. For example, if you're a Current employee, have Accepted an offer but haven't yet started, if you're a Contractor, an Ex-employee, or a Jobseeker. Next, we'll show you the path of each option.
Current employee
If you select Current employee, the helper bot reminds you to sign in with your single sign-on, which could be Google, Microsoft, or another option. See our knowledge base article, About single sign-on.
When you resolve your issue in the conversation window, the chat closes the window with a farewell message.
However, the bot suggests another sign-in page if you cannot use the SSO option. Administrators should update this link in the chatbot configuration to your configured page. If you can't use the sign-in page, the helper bot asks if it's because of your password:
If you aren't experiencing password trouble, the helper bot prompts you to select the option that best describes your situation:
As an example, we selected the Maximum attempts reached:
The response differs depending on the answer selected. Select Forgotten your password to open the Reset your password modal window:
After sending the Forgotten password link, the helper bot asks if you received your password reset email. If you didn't receive your reset email, you're encouraged to email the IT helpdesk using the link provided:
Accepted an offer but haven't yet started
If you select Accepted an offer but haven't yet started, the helper bot welcomes you to the company and instructs you to use your personal email address:
If you select Contractor, the helper bot informs you that access to the system is request-only for contractors:
If you select Ex-employee, the helper bot prompts you to sign in with your personal email address:
If you select Jobseeker, the helper bot wishes you well with your career and informs you that you don't yet have access to the platform:
All chat responses are extendible and customizable, and we encourage you to play around with the configuration until you find what's suitable for your organization. Then, make any changes in the Chatflow or your chatbot, accessible from the Admin home. See our knowledge base article, About chatbots.