App certificate pinning for improved security
Apps built using applaud cloud now support certificate pinning. Certificate pinning ensures an additional level of security. while generating apps from the cloud, you can control certificate pinning and upload the certificate.
Selecting the new option shows a new button to upload the certificate. See our knowledge base article, Create your own branded app.
Organization name in brand settings
We've added a new field to the Your Brand dialog box for you to specify your Organization name. This is used as the alt text for the logo for accessibility compliance and provides us with a brand name that could be used in many places. See our knowledge base article, Create a new brand.
Support for criteria in date field form interactions
We've added technical user interface support for date fields in form interactions. See our knowledge base article, Support for criteria in date field form interactions.
History APIs have been optimized
We have optimized our history APIs so that we can perform audit reporting on every model.
Support for the "nin" operator for filters when using the GET method via API
We've added support to use the "nin" operator in the GET API filters so you can fetch the model instances by excluding a particular set of data. You can use the "nin" operator in the where filters.
In this example, it is the equivalent to "Retrieve from the model where workCountryId does not contain any of 620d0c41126ac2ac06cc9425" where workCountryId is based on a referencesMany relation to the model.
{"limit": 10, "where":{"workCountryId":{"nin":["620d0c41126ac2ac06cc9425"]}}}
You can use the "nin" operator on non-array kind of properties too, like this:
{"limit": 10, "where":{"id":{"nin":["62690a2956352b0666b82260","62690aa956352b0666b82261"]}}}
Form interactions for 'Text' are not identified by text/label
We've improved the form interactions so that when you go to select a rich text field, part of the entered text shows in the Select a Field list so you can distinguish the fields and know which one you want to select.
For example, on a form, you select ADD CONTENT and then select TEXT. You edit the field, and in the Contents, you enter your text, and we entered, "This is my rich text field."
Now when we add an interaction and go to the Select a Field list, we can now see the text we entered:
New Experience Insights page to show Google Analytics data
The Experience insights page won't be fully available until the Apollo release.
We're in the process of building a new Experience Insights page available from the Admin home page where you can view your Google Analytics data for your platform within your platform. The functionality won't be fully available until the next Apollo release 8.
You'll be able to see how your workforce is using the Applaud app so that you can measure and improve the digital employee experience.
Analytics Dashboard: Block- Top 15 Services
As part of our Experience Insights page, we added a block to show the top 15 services used in the platform.
Add a new link to the Admin home page to open the Experience Insights page
So Tenant Admins can access the new Google Analytics, we added a link to the Admin home page to open the new Experience insights page.
Analytics Dashboard: Sparkline form fields
As part of the Experience Insights page, we've added a block to show updated analytics information, including label, count, and sparkline (graphical representation).
Ability to set up key file/credentials and property Id for google analytics data api calls
So that you can connect your platform to your Google Analytics account and have the data show on the Experience insights page, you need to be able to add the keyfile.json file to the platform. We've added this to the Settings page.
Google Tag Manager container for event logging
We created a Google Tag Manager container to use so you can connect your Google Analytics data to your Applaud Platform and view the data on the Experience insights page. See our knowledge base article, Configure your Google Analytics tracking settings.
The Experience insights page won't be fully available until the Apollo release.
Filter the data on the Experience insights page
When on the new Experience insights page, we have ensured that when you select a filter on the page, such as selecting the country, the data adheres to that filter criteria.
The login method should be passed to the root API
So we could link Google Analytics to the Applaud platform, we made sure that the login method was passed in the root API. See our knowledge base article, Configure your Google Analytics tracking settings.
User roles should be passed in the Root API
To set up Google Analytics to show on the platform, we ensured that the user roles were passed to the root API.