The Journeys template adds models and pages to aid with the functions of employee events, such as onboarding, birthdays, work anniversaries, promotions, maternity and paternity leave, and offboarding leavers.
The template adds functionality from other templates, which we have documented in these knowledge base articles:
The template adds the Person journey task model to hold data to do with tasks associated with journeys:
See our knowledge base article, Create a new model.
The Person journey model holds data to associate a person with a journey:
The Journey model holds data to do with the available journeys:
The template adds two workflows to the Person journey model:
See our knowledge base article, Create a workflow.
The Set owner, title and url for new journey workflow synchronizes the person and journey and sets the URL property in the Person journey model with details from the Journey and Person journey models:
The Mark journey as complete after its end date workflow ends the journey a day after the Key end property date:
The template adds the Journeys page, where you can add the various types of journeys, for example, onboarding, maternity, or paternity leave, or offboarding:
See our knowledge base article, Add a new page.
To add a journey, select ADD, which opens the Journey page in a model window so you can enter the journey's details:
The template also adds the Journeys dashboard page, where you can assign the journeys you've added to a person:
To assign a journey, select ASSIGN JOURNEY, which opens the Assign journey page in a modal window:
- Onboarding
- Offboarding
- Transfer
- New manager