The Person model template adds the Person model with workflows that update data between the Person model and the standard User model. Some other templates add the other functionality also added by this template, which we have documented in these knowledge base articles::
The template adds the Person model:
See our knowledge base article, Create a new model.
The template adds three workflows to the Person model:
See our knowledge base article, Create a workflow.
The first workflow triggers when you add a new value to any properties on the Person model. It checks if the email entered matches any emails in the User model. If it doesn't, the workflow stops. If it finds a match, it sets a few property values on the User model to the entered value on the Person model.
The second workflow triggers when you update any property values on the Person model, and there is already a value for either "Work country," "Persona," "Work email," or "Name." First, it checks if the email entered matches any emails in the User model. If it matches, the workflow sets a few properties on the User and Person models. If not, the workflow checks if the IDs match. If it matches, the workflow sets the properties on the User and Person models to find a match. If not, the workflow ends.
Finally, the third workflow triggers when you either add a new value or update an existing value for the "Work phone" number on the Person model. The workflow uses the number to create the "Work phone link" property value.
The template also adds two workflows to the User model:
The first workflow triggers when you add new values to the properties in the User model. For example, it checks whether the user's work email matches anyone in the Person model. If it doesn't, the workflow stops. Otherwise, it updates values for properties in the User and Person models.
The second workflow also triggers when you add new values to the properties in the User model. This one also checks whether the work email matches anyone in the Person model. If not, then it stops. Otherwise, it updates the avatar URL on the User model.