🐛 Bug Fixes
- Pressing Reset button is closing the popover #3594
- Block search closing when pressing backspace to remove all #3592
- Search box stays open even when finished searching #3575
- Keyboard navigation is not highlighting current item in expression builder #3562
- Month drop down in calendar goes out of the block #3547
- Burger Bar is disappearing in the mobile application. #3533
- Accented character search results are not showing when searching with replaced characters #3528
- List count is shown on a different baseline than the title #3515
- Confirmation dialog is not seen for action type links. #3514
- Cache not getting clear #3500
- Clicking on logo takes us to home page but it should select the home page in subnav as well. #3493
- Manage menus button is showing the dashboard rather than the menus page #3491
- Chatbot open on mobile allows background to be scrolled #3487
- Error message text overflows outside its boundary #3477
- Error while logging into the native app on EU #3475
- Show more option is shown even when there's no more items #3455
- Multirow titles are unreachable with Screen reader #3320