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Release notes for July 2021 (5.29.0) - User Interface
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Action popover is read twice for list #3373
- Date toggle arrows missing and leave request button overflowing in 2/3 width calendar #3370
- Unable to access global search filters and 'show more' links in a screen reader #3339
- Documents/PDF's are not downloading on clicking the URL in vacancy details page #3328
- Charts are unusuable with Screen reader #3323
- Some types of form fields are missing accessibility labels when used with a screen reader #3321
- Avatars have no accessibility label when used by a screen reader #3317
- Images have no accessibility label when using a screen reader #3316
- Unable to access grid content with Screen reader #3313
- Screen reader reads calendar resources that are not selectable when bulk select is active #3312
- Screen reader reads hidden quick links when global search is opened #3311
- Unable to access few actions on search page using Screen reader #3306
- Hidden menus are readable with screen reader #3303
- Show no data message if no items for map view #3294
- Chips with no link have a pointer cursor #3293
- Chart label tooltips show behind the block contents #3290
- HTML bullet points have negative indentation in right-to-left #3289
- RTL - Alignment of label and icon in calendar #3288
- IE - Page is not scrolled to required field while submit #3287
- Forms incorrectly submit when pressing enter in a text input or date field #3283
- Actions are shown in popover even when space is available #3281
- Document block search doesn't work when 'Match case' is selected #3275
- Incorrect sub nav item focus when menu is updated #3274
- Poor user experience when a screen reader reads mini grid list items #3268
- Calendar is unusable when using a screen reader #3265
- Few items are unreachable when using a screen reader #3257
- Buttons have no readable label through a screen reader #3256
- Block header is obscured by list header when fixed on small screens #3247
- Calendar items overflow popover is layered behind other content and difficult to read #2398