🐛 Bug Fixes
- Duplicate 'Fx' buttons shown when swapping between expression builder and regular fields- #2890
- Referer and x-com-applaudsolutions-host are not being passed in request headers for mobile app- #2865
- Employees are missing in the team calendar view when switching weeks- #2850
- Multirow minimum row validation is firing when the mulitrow is hidden- #2845
- Two hover states are shown on the Export Search Results button- #2837
- Team calendar only showing 10 resources when in a modal- #2833
- Actions that link to external domains always open in a new tab even if configured to open in the same window- #2830
- In-app relative URLs error when used in html blocks on the native apps- #2812
- Links with an external domain and target as a new tab open in the in-app browser on the native apps- #2793
- Form interactions do not work when multiple interactions exist without conditions- #2786
- Select the icon/avatar of list items always opens in the same tab, even when configured to open in a new tab- #2777
- Hierarchy node avatars do not render in the iOS native app- #2769
- Horizontal scroll bar isn't shown in the iOS native app for external html blocks- #2718
- Mobile page title shifts horizontal position slightly when opening/closing the context header- #2682
- External URLs that open in the same window/tab have no option to navigate back and require the app to be force quit- #2672
- Page background image doesn't fill the screen when in preview mode- #2670
- Unable to see the full text of truncated chips- #2661
- List search bar sometimes using 100% width- #2638
- PDF documents are zoomed out on Internet Explorer by default- #2631
- Horizontal scroll bar shows on the hierarchy block filters popover when in a modal page on Internet Explorer- #2630
- Hierarchy node title and subtitle overlap in Internet Explorer- #2627
- Hierarchy node text is not mirrored in right-to-left when org chart is exported- #2618
- Calendar resource subtitle is not mirrored in right-to-left- #2617
- Tab key does not move onto the next field when navigating from a date field- #2553
- Mobile app connecting to previous host rather than new host- #2489
- Grid items overlap in a modal window on Internet Explorer- #2383
- Global navigation bar is hidden on mobile when cancelling photo upload from the page header- #2373
- Secondary actions popover for a hierarchy node doesn't auto-close when dragging- #2279