🚀 New Features
- Automatically open search input when navigating to search page- #2295
- Improved accessibility- #2193
- Remove white fill for block header with search and filter icons- #1819
- Enable the colour picker feature in rich text editors- #1798
- Enable the text alignment feature in rich text editors- #1797
- Ability to edit multi-row fields in form builder- #1579
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Form interactions based on radio button field are not working as expected- #2563
- Form interaction failing when a condition is based on a multi-select with 'contains any of'- #2561
- Multiple form interactions do not work- #2535
- FaceID continually scans when trying to sign in- #2521
- UI is unnecessarily retrieving all values for long lists, which is resulting in poor performance- #2519
- Sub-menu items are show regardless of hide if condition- #2509
- Refresh on change is firing multiple times when there a non-default date format is used- #2488
- Form stepper title overlaps the label of the first field in Internet Explorer- #2481
- Custom mobile app builds are failing and not emailing the requestor with details- #2454
- Hierarchy chips show on parent node- #2443
- 'Sort by' label on list sorts is not translated- #2441
- Broken image shown instead of initials in an autocomplete field with avatar- #2429
- Mouse cursor is not showing the link state when hovering over a list chip- #2413
- Unable to enter dates in iOS 14- #2394
- Unable to build apps consistently- #2374
- Clicking on a calendar event item's icon ignores setting to open in a new tab- #2367
- URLs that link to in-app pages are not recognised as app routes- #2347
- Slider values are misaligned in right-to-left- #2322
- Autocomplete values overlap the field's search icon when the field is narrow- #2321
- Rating field slider bulb overlaps with rating field- #2315
- Form interactions fail when using conditions based on a lookup property- #2178
- Google chart x axis not rendering correctly when a vertical chart has lots of bars- #1253