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Release notes for January 2020 (5.11.0) - User Interface
π New Features
- Support for a no data message on document blocks- #1640
- Option to lazy load form field options on field focus rather than form load- #1585
- Enable mobile browsers to include SMS two-factor tokens in soft keyboard when on token fields- #1527
- Option to center align advert text on small screens- #1467
- Support for overlays in advert block- #1463
- Option to align the background image on advert blocks- #1461
- Support for a custom footer on all pages- #1223
- Support for Google Tag Manager- #1187
- Support for a page background image- #1186
- Show a loading indicator animation whilst waiting for advert images to load- #1173
- Animate page content into view when scrolling down- #1172
π Bug Fixes
- The clear value ('x') button on select multiple fields inside multirow forms wraps to the next line- #1692
- Rich text title tags are shown in bold rather than normal weight- #1684
- Form builder unable to proceed when a date range's start or end date fields are required- #1681
- Stacked layout pages are showing in multi-column when only 2 blocks- #1678
- Avatar placeholder initials are not shown in form field drop-downs- #1674
- The page background images is applied to multiple pages when only on one- #1673
- Edge-to-edge advert images zoom in way too far- #1671
- Time fields in view-only state should show in the 12 hr format- #1670
- Icons colors are not consistent across native and web when color is positive- #1669
- A list using grid style in a two-third column layout only shows one grid item per row- #1668
- Two-third / one-third page layout not working when only 2 blocks- #1667
- Advert text is responding down at the incorrect breakpoints- #1666
- 'undefined' text shows for html form fields without a value- #1662
- The advert text box colour is ignoring transparency- #1661
- Unnecessary whitespace shown at top of list items that use grid layout with images- #1660
- List item hrefs don't recognize mailto: tel: etc- #1651
- User is unable to sign in or sign up post applying hotfix v5.5.12- #1649
- Multirow field alignment is sometimes broken when it has multiple small fields - #1647
- Unable to navigate back when opening an attachment inside the native app- #1641
- Cannot use a comma to separate multiple items in a multi-select form field that allows new values- #1639
- Data not rendered property on a chart with a single data point- #1617
- Block transparency is not working for list and chart blocks- #1616
- Page not refreshed after entering a one-time backup code during login- #1609
- Calendar not showing data when '~' is in the URL- #1607
- Icons are shown in grey by default instead of the theme's positive color- #1602
- Autocomplete is not working on form fields when the options are preloaded- #1600
- A field is not rendered if it has no label- #1595
- Form field description is showing raw HTML tags instead of rendering the html- #1587
- UI is adding block style request parameter on page load, which is breaking browser back button- #1584
- Page is not using 100% height, visible when using a background image on a shorter page- #1559
- Security vulnerability: arbitrary code execution on static-eval v0.2.4- #903
- Security vulnerability: arbitrary code execution on js-yaml v3.12.0- #900
- Security vulnerability: Denial of Service (DoS) on js-yaml v3.12.0- #899