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Release notes for June 2020 (5.16.0) - User Interface
🚀 New Features
- Support for universal links- #1889
- Ability to default form field values through request parameters- #1250
- Expression builder- #607
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Default value for a field is not set upon refreshing Page.- #2142
- Calendar on date field is not opening automatically- #2124
- Date range field errors when saving on Applaud Cloud- #2121
- Autosave message not showing when the form is the only block on the page- #2106
- Form gets disabled while autosave response in progress- #2103
- Footer alignment is broken after an error on page- #2102
- Chips in hierarchy block are misaligned in iOS- #2100
- Blocks overlap in the native app on iPad- #2094
- Text not vertically centered in chips on hierarchy nodes- #2091
- Search page allows horizontal scrolling on iOS Safari- #2081
- Timeline list item text is not using all available width- #2078
- List sorts on date values are not working in Internet Explorer- #2077
- Date wraps to second line for date range fields on smaller mobile devices- #2066
- Saved search filters are not applied- #2063
- Multirow text area fields only show the first line of text- #2062
- An extra icon is shown on time fields on the latest version of chrome- #2061
- Links that open in a new window require multiple touches in the iOS native app- #2056
- Full screen option shown in document block when it's not supported in Internet Explorer- #2042
- Advert block button text not visible for certain brand color combinations- #2040
- 'There are no blocks available on this page' message shown when a page has just an advert- #2034
- List timeline view not showing the overline property- #2031
- List real-time preview shows overlapping text when using a stepper- #2030
- Unable to reorder blocks- #2024
- iOS custom app build is failing on 5.10.0- #2002
- Color picker obscured by block boundary- #1951
- Hierarchy layout is incorrect for the top node- #1932
- Select single fields set through a trigger don't show the value in Internet Explorer when it has a placeholder- #1930
- Hierarchy layout is showing the desktop view in modal windows- #1908
- Real-time list item preview doesn't show the timeline layout- #1883
- The autocomplete popover in text+token fields is too narrow- #1787
- Browser back button is adding returned from page to in-app back button- #1767
- Glitchy transition between row and grid list layouts- #1766
- Redirecting to previously opened modal page when user doesn't have access to current modal page- #1755
- Select single field validation fires on focus in Internet Explorer- #1515
- Chatbot audio is not working in the native apps- #1395
- Hierarchy nodes overlapping when 3 or more levels are shown- #1273
- Form field descriptions are incorrectly animating when a completely different field has focus- #1144
- Date field validation fires on focus in Internet Explorer in right-to-left- #852
- Navigating to a page that is on a large sub-menu doesn't correctly scroll to that item in the sub-menu in right-to-left- #682
- iOS Safari field navigation arrows are incorrectly opening select single options rather than navigating to the next field- #649
- The popover of auto-complete fields on mobile sometime obscure the user's input- #648
- The popover for hyperlinks in a rich text field is cut-off if it's near the field's edge- #272